hurry up would ya!
I’m in like Flynn
I am in also
Mister @Whiterose0818 id you need help heading up the raffle just shoot,me a text. Will be more than happy to help.
SHUSH!!! We don’t wanna rush perfection!
Entries here:
Wanted to thank all those that have contributed to this thread. I’ve read through this thread and it lead me to sealing the deal on this beauty
A very fine choice sir. It is a nice piece and I have resisted the urge thus far. Thank you for helping my terrible willpower. Lol.
That mod is sexy.
Thank you sir. I saw some of yours and they are awesome! I’m just so psyched to be able to join this thread now.
Thank you! They are without a doubt the best vape purchases I have ever made.
You’ve got a cool butterfly heart thing going on there! That is a sexy beast!
So beautiful!!!
I’m saving my pennies!!! Soon, very soon.
If you would let me!
Is that a 30 or 40mm deck on top? Trying to figure the scale of the mod. It’s a Beauty for sure!
According to this
It is a 40mm
TinMan is right, its a 40mm.
The are amazing and 15 minutes (for mine) to charge the LIPO is such a added benefit. Very nice!!!