Temp control does a couple nice things. There’s less “ramp up” time, so when you press the button your coil gets to that sweet spot real fast. Not a big deal, but kinda nice. The other is that when your tank (or wick if using an RDA) goes dry you don’t get a nasty dry hit. For me, this is huge.
Some people have concerns about the safety of various wires. I think most of them are overblown, but if you do have a nickel allergy, that would be a legit reason to skip Ni altogether. Personally I prefer SS because it works great in TC or Wattage modes and I don’t get that metallic taste I find with Kanthal.
Rebuildables are much cheaper and completely customizable, though they can be frustrating when you can’t get a build right. Pre-built are more convenient, less hassle.
Higher ohm will give you a longer battery life and a slightly cooler vape, while lower ohm will give you a warmer vape and more vapor, tho I find it less noticeable on a TC mod than on a mech.
I’m perfectly happy with a boring single coil single wire build, so someone else will have to answer this one.
Some people are sensitive or even allergic to PG, so for them high VG has obvious benefits. I get plenty of flavor from a 70-80% VG mix, and I think it has a different mouth-feel than a higher PG mix, but ultimately that’s going to boil down to personal preference.
The sky is blue because if it were green we wouldn’t know where to stop mowing the lawn.
A lot of it is just down to personal preference, and it looks like everyone has already answered you, but I didn’t notice until I’d already typed this all out, so I’m going to post it anyway.
Been using ko gen do, puff from Amazon, and recently trying cotton bacon. Don’t have a favorite. With the introduction of the Scottish method have increased the amount of cotton in my coils and making it fluffy. For me has greatly improved my vape.
I really hope not because I have been spoiled at using the factory coils. I am just getting into making my own juice because I am afraid FDA will stop the juice I like to vape with!
You’re not alone, enjoying the convenience of the factory coils. Unfortunately, I think many, if not most, are going to go into their favorite shop to get coils, and be in for a rude awakening. I hope I’m wrong. I’m the kind of person that hopes for the best, but trying to prepare for the worst. Basic coil building and wicking isn’t difficult at all. Like most things, there are basic & simple coils and more advanced & difficult coils. There are a million youtube videos out there that do a wonderful job explaining the basics, to get your feet wet. The folks here are amazing, at offering tips & help.
What kind of equipment do you use? A lot of the popular tanks have an RBA accessory, that will allow you to substitute user wound coils, in place of the factory coils.
As far as DIY juice, you’ve landed on the right planet. There’s a mix-lo-pedia of combined DIY experience here on ELR. Don’t be afraid to put a shout out, for some tips and assistance. Give us an idea if the juice you’re hoping to duplicate, and the types of juice you prefer (fruit, custards, desserts, tobacco, etc). You’ll get many responses, I’m sure.
If you are trying to prepare for the worse I suggest you get Youtube downloader and save those video’s to your harddrive. The worse is when they’re going to pull all those video’s because it is considered advertising hence not allowed.
I hope not but better safe than sorry.
They are not going to stop the advertising but there will be measures that include product warnings, safety and age related rules. The FDA has also said that if more data is shown that harm is reduced or that the public health shows any type of decline that the regs will be reduced in whatever manner to reduce public harm. I will find the link when I get home today and post it. I will say it is a long video but well worth watching all the way through. I will post as a new topic on FDA regulation. There will be regulation but it looks like it won’t be nearly as bad as we initially thought.