Will I get fat if I vape products with sucralose in it...!

How does the body actually metabolize flavor concentrates, this may be a stupid question but ive been itching to ask…your thoughts anyone…


I don’t think people get fat vaping


I’m not sure if your trolling here. Looks like you’ve been a member since 2017. How you doing so far?


It won’t make you fat, but you will feel like you want to scratch yourself.
Seriously though…if there were weight issues associated with vaping you would see a helluva lot of fat kids from vaping sickly sweet commercial juice.


I dont think you will gain weight from vaping, it might even help you lose weight in the sense that you are able to vape what you are craving rather than actually eat/drink it.

However, replacing stinkies with vaping are likely to make you gain weight due to smoking increases the metabolism because of the heart rate being raised.


In my personal experience I lost weight since I started vaping (and i’m by all means not a thin person). Previous times when I quit smoking I gained a lot of weight. This time around I lost 8kg without any dieting.


If a person uses Nicotine they are using a stimulant right ??? So one who vapes with Nicotine your statement should apply tonthem as well ?


Givin up smoking made me fat, I’ll tell you that much, bit it had nothing to do with vaping :roll_eyes:
Food just tastes so damn good…who knew?..


It isn’t just the nicotine that helps doing this, the carbon monoxide will as an example lower the oxygen in the blood too.


1% or more Super Sweet (CAP) Sucralose always gave me a headache. 0.5% Max seems to be ok.


sucralose is not broken down by the body so it is non-caloric. even if it was i doubt it would make you gain any weight for lots of reasons.

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Could get the shits from too much surcralose

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That would cause weight loss for sure as long as your follow with a dozen Twinkie’s.

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A gaseous blow out

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No offense in questioning it, but wheres carbon monoxide come in? It’s not a cigarette your smoking/ burning… I believe it’s only nicotine that’s a major player in a possibly elevated heart rate/ blood pressure (depending on how much nicotine you actually use in your mixes) - no?

Did you care to read the thread?

Try to follow the comments that is replied to, and you will see that the debate that comment is related to is actually smoking and how smoking increases metabolism, so changing from smoking to vaping can easily make you gain weight.