Wishing to get some coils

Looking to see if there is someone looking to sell a few coils. I have standard clapton wire (pre-wrapped) that is kanthal but it just doesn’t seem to be working good for me (long ramp up time and just doesn’t provide a good vape it seems).
Looking for something that is SS (I do not use temp control so the inner can be kanthal) and when using 2 coils will have something on the order of .35 - .45 ohm in the tank. I’ll be using them in either a Griffin 25 or mini. I’d like a couple different types so I can see what is different between them. I’ve looked at some of the online shops but most state ohms of .15 which is too low for what I want and being an idiot I don’t know if that is .15 per coil and would really be low if using 2 also I’d rather buy something from users although I do support businesses, we all have to support our habit now don’t we?
Thanks in advance.

It’s great that your interested in buy from a builder which is all good. In the meantime, have
You checked out the wires at advanced vape supply? They do make some clapton wires that are easier to get to 0.28 to 0.4 for dual coil builds.


advanced vape supply has fast shipping and great prices!

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Oh… I understand it’s doable, Like I said I have some clapton wire, just looking to try a couple builds (done correctly) so I can then learn my likes and dislikes and progress from there in attempting to learn to wrap my own sometime in the future or know/learn what to look for.

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That does not look right, looks like a 24 awg wrapped with 24 awg then wrapped again with 30 awg.
You would need parallel wire at around 28 awg for a 0.4 set of coils.


parallel 24 wrapped with 30

ok, sorry for the reply

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Nothing to be sorry about, that could have been the answer I was looking for. :+1:

Sorry @anon13011326 but the picture shows a double wrapped clapton.

@CallMeTut Not suggesting you make them just as a guide on what you may want to buy to give you the ohms you want.

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yea I see what I did. Oh well Ill try to delete it

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