Wismec Inde Duo - Help Needed

Okay guys… really need some help here…

First of all, I love this dripper, great flavor, awesome airflow and lots of build capabilities. But I have one complaint about this dripper… the drip tip.

Would you look at this thing???

Besides the fact that this thing is short as H-E-double hockey sticks, gets hotter than hades and dirtier than all get out…

(Editorial rant: Ladies - please don’t think of this as a sexually charged statement, just from a perspective of a parent that had to deal with this when his children were infants.)

… using this thing reminds me of a rigid version of a nipple on a baby bottle… good god y’all… NOT COOL!!

Anyways… it appears that the drip tip is 19mm or so, is there any suggestions you guys could give to find a replacement drip tip that doesn’t make me self conscious, burn my lips from the metal on the tank and collect so much grime and grunge and isn’t afraid to show it?


If I remember correctly, @bradslinux makes drip tips, he might be able to help out here.


without video this never happened :wink:

Does that come out of the metal ring?


Yes, it detaches from the ring. I’ve bee trying to find something that gives me the diameter from the manufacturer… but no luck


@dwdh586 …the problem is it was made to be low-profile

Looking at all their offerings …clearly we can see what JayBo’s oral fixation is :kissing_closed_eyes:

Actually that one drip tip is used on several models

Broseph I searched like you likely have and came up with zip. It’s just under < 22mm. You might have luck in the Home Despot. I bet there’s a clear plastic tubing that would go over it. You could carefully cut a 3/4" long piece and sand/melt it smooth and it might look/work better …even inside if you preferred something smaller. @bradslinux should see this as an unfilled niche market since NO ONE is making a replacement drip tip that apparently is used on EVERY Wismec RDA …a weird shape though, not friendly to straight lathe work


I bought this at a local vape shop and it works but sticks up just a little:

My phone is charging right now but I can take a pic of it on the Inde Duo for you later on tonight. A lot of chuff caps that fit for the Tobh will work on this but not all, almost got one stuck on it and we struggled to get it off.

I did order a couple more from vapor beast, the 97 cent ones to try, I can update when I get them if they fit:



If you have plastics shop near you go there check out the inside diameter of the acrylic and polycarbonate tubing. If they have one that is a snub fit you may be able to glue and extension on it. You’ll have to sand and buff the mouth end smooth but if you get it let me know and I’ll give you some pointers on that end of it.

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Here is a pic of that top cap I mentioned:

Really makes a big difference, I hated the plastic POS they sent with it.


Thanks guys, took the advice (no plastic shops around here) but I dealt with a B&M shop and saw the same chuff cap in a display… since it was their last one, they only charged me $1.99 for it.

It makes the tank look like a bong, but hey… who am I to judge… at least the flavor is great and the airflow is really good… chucking clouds like a hurricane.

Thanks @BoDarc, @mjag, @GPC2012 and @Josephine_van_Rijn… you guys totally rock!


I got the 2 other tips from vaporbeast that were a shockingly expensive 97 cents each :scream:

This copper one didn’t fit initially but I do custom jewelry on the side so was able to machine it to fit:

This one did fit but the polished finish wasn’t a matchy matchy so I added a satin finish to match, before and after pics:


That looks sharp bubba, very nicely done!! I like the one with the heatsink look to it… almost fits the asthetic of the tank itself.

Thanks for letting me know, will be investigating once the CFO (also known as the wife) clears more funds for me.


Thanks bud.

The one with the heat sink is available in the non heat sink version like the copper, just was out of stock at vaporbeast.

A word of caution with the Inde Duo, don’t put really hot builds in there. I put a dual SS316L Alien build in mine which needs a lot of power and I guess the inside layer is glass but the outer is plastic, my outer layer is now a little deformed. Nice design on the tank but crap material used, what a shame.


Yeah, the outer portion of the tank just cracked on me, looks like the convection of the cold outer air and the heated air between the two layers is causing some agressive expansion/contraction and now my tank finally gave up.

What a shame…

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That sucks. I was thinking about contacting Wismec, I think they have an office here in the US. Worth a shot I guess, maybe they will send us new tops?

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If anybody is interested, the tobh atty chuff cap fits the larger top cap perfectly.

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Sorry it. Has to be 22mm chuff cap to fit the inde duo?

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Pretty much, most drip tops that fit the Tobh will fit the Inde DUO, not all though, some were too tight so I sanded down the edges so they can fit.

Here is a list of top caps that should fit https://www.fasttech.com/search?Tobh

With the Inde DUO don’t use really hot builds, the inside is not glass but a hard plastic to it can warp and crack. I warped mine with a big build so I don’t even use it anymore.

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whats the name of your chuff cap?


Sorry, I can barely remember what happened July 2020, July 2016…no chance :wink::crazy_face:

The Inde Duo wound up getting fried with a hot build later, dont have either anymore.


ooohh…i see… but inde duo are one of the best selling and best RDA here in the philippines… :slight_smile: