If you have custom wraps on your batteries (like with a printed pic and a wrap) you’ll have that problem. I had to unwrap mine and re-wrap with the sleeve only. If you’re using stock wrap then something isn’t connecting right or you may not be sliding it in all the way at the top.
No custom wraps, just the wraps that came on the batteries.
hmmm…well I would try the cover with no batteries in it and see if it shuts correctly and stays locked. If it does, check you batteries and sled for any bumps that may be interfering. Also see how the third battery door fits and if you have any troubles with that one. If it all looks and feels good, but it won’t lock, contact the vendor and see about a replacement. Hope you get it working/replaced soon.
I’m thinking I might just do that because even without batteries in the mod the door still doesn’t seem really secure when closed.
DO NOT GET IT!!! the firmware just bricked it!
I upgraded my firmware on all 3 of my rx2/3 mods to v4.13 without issue. Have you tried installing an older firmware to ‘unbrick’ it?
i got it back now it’s saying please confirm hardware. when I try to update it
@EvilRedLion Make sure you’re using the USB cable that came with the device. All those mini USB cables look the same (your phone etc) but I had a firmware issue when I flashed something (Mod) with my phone mini-USB. I have also had to double-flash a couple mods with the same firmware. Make sure all other Apps are closed and read the directions. I have one mod where I have to remove the batteries to successfully flash