Wismec Reuleaux RX200 Not Firing

didn’t think of that! Thanks @Big_Benny_MI! Any suggestions on what type I should use?

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Fast tech had some insulating POM spacers that are 1mm thick and 25mm diameter 10 for like $7. Kidney puncher has some .5 mm thick ones @ 5 for $5.


Thanks brother!

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Finned aluminum 510 heatsink would probably work too. I only saw those in 22 mm though

Don’t know if I want that much height, but it is another option.

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Ive noticed the goblin minis 510 does jive well with joyetech devices, people wanna crank tanks down, but you just cant with some tanks and devices.
Theres always a small drip tip sized oring in almost every kit…I use that on my goblin 510s and it works like a champ on my evic, cuboid and rx200.

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Strange I’ve never had a problem with my tfv4 on my rx200

Found this on the issue, seems it’s to do with the length of the 510 pin on the tfv4

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I’ve always had a problem with my rx200 where it will fire for about 0.2 seconds then stop. Happens quite frequently and bugs the piss out of me.

I’m the opposite. Never had a problem at all (touch wood) with my rx.
Literally it has never missed a beat. And i use my tfv4 tanks on it daily.

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Cuboid uses same 510.

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I’ve never had a issue with my rx200 either It’s always worked like a charm. Sorry your having problems

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That is exactly what mine did. I took it back and got an iPV D3. Couldn’t be happier.

I haven’t had a problem with my rx200 it’s works flawlessly. I was just pointing out that due to that article ppl were having problems with the tfv4 because the 510 connection is too long, thus pressing the 510 pin too far down on the rx. Seemingly this voids the warranty.
But currently I’m using that exact set up today with no problems.

Hmmm strange. That’s all I’ve used on my rx200 as well as the wismec dna200 without a problem. Tfv4s on both. They both work flawlessly.

How tight do you have your tank screwed down though?
I think thats the problem, tank crankers

I just make them snug. No reason to crank any tank down.

Im sure you can get spacers to sit below your tank, like 1mm or0.5mm thick. Would they not help?

My Reuleaux does the same exact thing. It won’t fire then shows atomizer low and my battery is completely dead even with newly charged batteries but once I take my thumb off the fire button it works normal. This happens about half dozen times a day if not more. I have 2 different Crown tanks that I swap back and forth, have replaced the coils multiple times. I have 6 brand new batteries that are married all the times. Iv’e not had it 4 weeks yet. Can anyone help?

Mine started doing that the first week I had it. I think the device is nearly as bad as the xCube for reading ohms and believe that’s the problem…for those times where there’s a failure to fire I think it’s not reading resistance correctly. There are also times when using TC that it will fire cool or hot. I’ve ruled out bad builds and all the usual suspects. To me it’s just a sub-par board.

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