The WOTOFO Profile RDA inspired RDTA version is now on the chopping block for review. This device was sent to me for the purpose of this review, by @HealthCabin. This will not skew my views and will review this product with in-depth analysis. This is a hard one to peg down as just good, great, or phenomenal. The wicking and mesh to me is the part that has, and I mean HAS to be on point with the mentioned devices. I will explain mesh later in the review. If not wicked properly with the mesh that came with the device, you will get a SATAN’s Chuck Norris punch to the face of a dry hit. I do not wish that hit on any even my worst enemies. I think the dragons from GOT ain’t got shit on the dry hit. Holy cow, it is bad if it happens. Now with all that fluff out of the way, let us get down to the crux of this device.

            The key segway to this is cotton fluff.  The amount of cotton/rayon used is like a tampon sized cotton wad and that amount has to be used in this device to make it functional. If you use cotton sparingly, the above-mentioned dry hit will ensue.  The cotton has to be fused to the mesh and be wet to get the best performance out the device. This is aided in the silicon tray like portion of the device that will push and hold the cotton to the mesh.  Some finagling has to be done to get this right. There are plenty of YouTube videos to watch on how to wick this monster. Therefore, after the sun, moon, stars and planets align in your wicking this device shines. There is a steep learning curve.  Do not just think you are going to waltz in, and just shove your cotton in there, and you will be fine.  Nope, you now need to have the finesse of a pruner of fine topiaries to get the wicking just right. (Think Edward Scissorhands!)

            The mesh that comes with the Profile RDA is the WOTOFO mesh and comes in at .18 OHM resistance.  I wish it came in different types, like N80, N90, SS just to name a few. It is Kanthal and is what it is. I have tested the Vandy Vape Ni80 Mesh in the RDA.  What a difference it makes.  This mesh will come in at .11-.12 OHMs. I will say vapor production immediately increased.  Flavor on the Unity RDTA jumped 10 fold to me.  The cost effectiveness of the roll versus the OFRF is staggering.  For about 

$3.00 - $7.00, you can get a couple of years’ worth of mesh for these devices. What you can do with OFRF mesh is use a piece to measure out the Vandy Vape mesh as a guideline to use. Cut it to length and then cut the Vandy Vape Mesh in half (length wise). (See the picture below.) You now have two pieces of mesh ready to go into the RDA. I have noticed that there is a major difference between the meshes. The honeycomb holes on the OFRF and the WOTOFO brand mesh are very large. There is not enough surface area for vapor production, which limits the amount of flavor produced in my opinion. To me this mutes many flavors in the device and it cannot reach its full potential in vapor and flavor production. Now when the Vandy Vape mesh got installed this device is truly a powerhouse. No dry hits, perfect vapor production, and flavors hit home really, really, well. No muting of any flavors and just hit all the marks for me.

            With what juices does this shine?  This device along with the Profile RDA mentioned in its advertisement that fruits are supposed to sing with this device.  I can say with the OFRF Mesh installed, the Bourbon Custard I make is decent.  Not slap your mama good, but decent in flavor.  Now with the Vandy Vape mesh installed, the liquids pop and the full flavor potential is reached. Fruits/Creams/Custards/Butterscotch/Tobaccos now all hit the mark of phenomenal flavor to me.  I will also explain devices used in the next phase. I also notice that with higher VG juice, the juice collects in the juice fill ports and will not allow for further filling.  If you are using MAX VG be wary of this. I think a 70/30 or 50/50 mix should be fine. The Unity is a juice hog.  My recommendation is that if you get this device be prepared for lots of juice making or get ready to empty that pocket book for juices. In one sitting I vaped half of the extended tank. (It was only like 20 minutes.) Now with that being said if the device is wicked properly, the saturation of the cotton is really well done.  I get clean hits and no hints of a dry hit. That part is really well done, even with high VG liquids.  The lower VG liquids excel even better, but go quicker.

            With what devices to use the Profile Unity RDATA should I use?  A mech with a single 18650 SONY VTC 6 battery absolutely makes the Unity a slam-dunk in my opinion. (Only with the Vandy Vape Mesh installed!) I do not get muted flavors with the mech as I do with the dual battery regulated devices. I would not use a 20700 or 21700 as the ohms are just a bit low with the OFRF/WOTOFO/VANDY VAPE mesh and could burn your face off. I am using the Unity on the Bonza kit with the 18650-battery adapter and it is sublime. I have used it on dual 18650 devices and it is okay, the device itself gets a bit hot with the OFRF/WOTOFO/VANDY VAPE mesh installed. I do find myself using a lower wattage when vaping on the OFRF mesh, and this is a battery saver. The clouds are chucked quite well on this device.  It has a great airflow design even when closed off to the minimum amount of air holes allowed.  The airflow holes are reminiscent of the Recurve RDA design in my opinion.


1.) Easy to build on. All the tools are there for you to use for the mesh shaping.

2.) The mesh installation was a breeze.

3.) Wicking once perfected, was easy the next go around.

4.) Color selections are a plenty for that matchy match look.

5.) The wicks maintain saturation if wicked properly. That is a major plus!

6.) The flavor off the mech devices was superb with the Vandy Vape Mesh.

7.) When using Vandy Vape mesh this device is absolutely perfect and a no brainer to buy!


1.) The amount of cotton used in that thing is egregious.

2.) The wicking learning curve is steep and unforgiving if done wrong.

3.) With higher VG juices, the juice collects in the juice fill slots. Not allowing for further refill until you put a rag to it to absorb the excess liquid and create an opening for juice to pour.

4.) Custard flavors are semi muted to me. With the OFRF mesh and certain battery type of devices used.

5.) The screwdriver that comes with the device is crap in my opinion. There is a need for a thicker screwdriver for this device.

6.) Not really a con (unless you buy or are low on juices), this is a juice hog! One sitting and I vaped half of the extended tank.

7.) The OFRF and the WOTOFO mesh is just meh in my opinion and way overhyped.

Would I recommend this to anyone? Yes, with the Vandy Vape Mesh installed this is just a no brainer and one of the best I have used for vapor and flavor production. This is a solid buy! (Only with the Vandy Vape Mesh installed!) Dare I say better than the Profile RDA in squonk mode. I know this is a bold statement. I enjoy this device on my mech device and it will be placed in my daily rotation. If it goes into my daily rotation, it truly does say a lot.

This is my review of the WOTOFO Profile Unity RDTA and can be found at health cabin, with the link provided below. I included a link to the Vandy Vape Mesh I used to make this device from okay to phenomenal:

https://www.healthcabin.net/wotofo-profile-unity-rta-p/20812.html ($39.99)

https://www.healthcabin.net/vandyvape-ni80-mesh-wire-p/16232.html ($2.99) (When in Stock)

Remember when in the US look for it in the local warehouses for better shipping costs. There is one in NJ (EASTERN) and one in CA (WESTERN) Really cuts down on shipping times and cost!

Remember to keep your wicks wet and your clouds thick!

Yours Truly,



Thanks for your review!


Great review @Skullblade789, how do you feel it compared to the other mesher you just reviewed ?


If you know how to keep your wicks wet with squonking, it is a no brainer to buy. Flavor is on point with the VV mesh.


Thank you.


Great review brother :+1:


Thank you. Hard to beat yours though. Or @Steampugs.


Great review brother :wink::+1:


Great review! Just missing one thing I wont mention :rofl: , Everyone keeps telling me to try one of these, thanks for your review.


I gave you a deck pick, just broken down to simplified form. Sheesh, some critics!