It’s a rather simple guide geared towards beginners but I keep losing my formatting and images when I try to paste from Google Docs or other WP’s. I’ll readily admit that I don’t know squat about Markdown, BBCODE etc…but it seems at least a rudimentary knowledge of those is required.
What do I need to do?
Are you trying to share a recipe ?
Are you Certified and Licensed?
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
##### Heading 4
—- Horizontal rule
No. Just a wee guide to make things simpler for users on the “recipe side”.
Yes, but don’t remember when or why…Lol!
Thank you brother!
I think there are 4 headings
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
I had a very hard time understand that vid. I even speak english as a first language or is it English?
HIIK i forgot everything in it
but i do think I am either certified or licensed (1)
slightly afraid of an F, cant fail if i dont take the course…
I know the instructor personally, If you want I can have him bump your F to a D-, the test is not really a test but a series of challenges aimed at making you mor smarter. if you want to talk to the instructor just start a new message to my buddy discobot, and be sure the subject is “start new user” without the quotes and ask him what you need to do.
yassir, jus like me an evn certifiabled