Note that there is no advertisement yet, and I can promise that my advert would be for a community portal that has no adds, popups, registration, and doesn’t try to sell you anything, or get your hard earned $$ in any way
I did see how you sneeked it into the forum with it being tied to the name of your posted juice recipe, slick…
You can post it here and if needed it can be flagged for moved or other.
I guess is overslicked myself since i wasn’t trying to sneak anything in
But here it is:
Vaping resource portal for Israeli vapers
As mentioned already not looking to profit off it
I do appreciate input though
I figured that FaceBook group was what you were referring to.
Nah. I don’t like facebook (and the recipe that I love and has a facebook group info it in is not mine. I totally don’t speak Italian)
Nice, clean site. Easy to navigate and I like that you are transparent about recipes you didn’t create with links to the original. Looks good!
Thanks man.
As i said, i’m not looking to profit from the site. If i post something that is not my own, credit will always be given. That is also why I will always give the exact origin of the recipes, the origin of gear I review (whether I bought it, or it was given for review). I want to create a community that is as impartial and objective as possible
What is vaping like in Israel? Still the wild west, everything possible or does your government also try everything possible to rid the world of the evil vapor?
For now it’s not that bad. There are no real regulations that would prohibit anything vaping related. The issue we do have is that everything is super expensive, and we mostly end up ordering from abroad, even though local stores are quite well stocked.
I like your site, it is very straightforward and easy to navigate.
I love the counter that shows how many days/dollars/cigs not smoked.
That banner is a nice gimmick i found on a british vaping website