I’m struggling with these issues here of juggernaut2 and burning hot liquid popping in my mouth ive been using these from China through Amazon and all but the 0.45 ohms Fused Clapton and the 0.85ohms clapton coils I’ve had the Burney hot juice attack! I’m about to just make my own coils right now with this 24g kanthal A1 coil wire cuz I almost think it’s the coils I’ve bought. But I only even started vaping Jan 24th 2021 so I really don’t know fuk all now im down the mixing my own juice hole AND now making my own coil hole too. BTW I have not a clue what material those coils were that were popping at me all I know is I didn’t like it n their ohms were reading
Also switched from lost vape ursa 100w
And then to fremax maxus 200w no difference. Then I put frigging juggernaut2 and I know it’s a good tank. I am lost need.help bf just built me on kanthal 24g 10 wrap see how this works ohms .13
This is the coil my bf just built me. I’m on way to bed here in Canada it’s going on 1am n I did NOT sleep a wink lastnight but plz any responses are appreciated.thx everyone for your patience with me through this…btw.
It’s not his coil that’s the problem…his is working alot better than these amazon China ones I bought and it didn’t help that It’s been a while since I put the damn thing in and forgot which one it was out of the 8 different samples and materials I recieved from Amazon so really…I had no Idea where to set it…his is alright idk what’s with the 10 wraps, any suggestions?
Its the ones I bought from China on Amazon. His seems to be working well I got .13 ohms on his 10 wrap kanthal 24gauge. It’s not causing me grief I know that
Add more cotton! Make sure the cotton has enough room to barely move back and forth. If you have to, thin out your cotton from the coil out to the outside ends to fit in the wells. Your getting too much juice at the coil and it’s flooded inside and on top of the coil. Flooding at the coil will cause poping and spit back.
Just a suggestion. Find someone who makes their own coils. They’ll be much cleaner tasting and last longer. I have a set of coils in an Asgard that have been in there since last May. They still rock.
I agree with everything that has already been said. If you want decent mass produced coils go for a reputable company like Coilology or Wotofo and steer clear of these juggernauts and tiger type coils as they have a high mass density of metal and are slower to ramp up using more battery life plus other issues like spitting etc. These cheap Chinese no name brands are notorious for making coils of this type.