WWW.EFUN.TOP Questions to the forum

Anyone here ever browse or deal with EFUN.TOP? About anytime I try to go to their web page I have problems with the site loading.It will either load for an infinity or time out and say server not found. Subsequently, I will try a link and if I click a link like in an email, most of the time I’ll get an error saying something like bad proxy. This is the only site that gives me this trouble and any others are fine so I know it’s not my settings. Would like to know any thoughts on this matter to some of the more informed and computer users who have a more surpassed learning curve of this subject area. I don’t even know a category to put this problem in except for “that damn part of the internet that I don’t know how it works!!!”


I recently placed an order but haven’t received it yet. I have seen several reviews that have been positive about them but can’t remember who at the moment.
@BoDarc was it you?

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I have no problems accessing their website. They usually have the best prices compared to other websites. I’ve ordered quite a bit from them, however, if you run into a problem with whatever it is you’ve ordered, good luck with getting them to respond. Ask @Pro_Vapes about that, he’ll give you an ear full about it. :grinning: Their customer service is not the best. I usually take the risk because of the price and 99.9% of the time the stuff is fine.


I buy most of my stuff from there. I ordered on the 7th and it’s not even processed. Their web site has been down twice in a week for hours (on the day I was ordering!). I blame Chinese New year WEEK. They party all week and longer… the site’s down right now (today has been second time). being in IT I know when it’s vacation time the GreenTech gets put in charge. It’s all good until somethings not good. If a reboot won’t fix it, then it’s gonna be down for awhile (not 15 minutes). So I’m hanging in till the 3rd string Technical Support gets relief (by the severely hung over 1st string :wink: )

I buy there because it’s the cheapest and they have a great selection of clones and authentic. I like that the shipping is separate because I get DHL Express and get it in 3 days. I’ve never had a problem until this week, and I’m sure they came back to a backlog of orders


I’ve seen them come up in google searches but never tried them. I only use the companies my kids have used before as not to take risks with my own debit/credit cards.

I’m a terrible mother!


Nah, that’s smart, let your kids learn, you already have.:wink:


sorry for that , as last month we have done much work to upgrade our system , sorry for all the inconvenience, all is smoothing and quickly now after upgraded.
Thank you again!


I just realized I never updated my post from a couple of months ago.I have now used efun.top a couple of times and have had no problems.:grinning: