XML encoding/decoding in flavour dropdown

Think I found a bug which is introducing misspelled flavours.

For example, anything with Mom & Pop recipes ends in (M&P) which when you click is copied into the input field.

However, because it contains one of the XML special characters it gets expanded to &

The result, when saving the recipe is that the misspelled flavour is added as a new flavour in the system.

Hope this is easy to fix :slight_smile:

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Hi WiSK :slight_smile: I am aware of it - I will get around to fixing it soon! :smiley:


Cool Lars :slight_smile:

Is this also related to the reason the Inawera Milk Chocolate was mixed up?

Nah, that’s a silly code error that I haven’t gotten around to fixing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ve lost a couple handfuls of hair over this issue! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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