Yihi SXmini PUREMAX Reviewed by SessionDrummer

I haven’t used many pods either. Started getting them in the mail just before I stopped doing reviews. I’ve tried maybe half a dozen or so. So far the only one I like is the Vaperesso Swag PX80. That would be my benchmark for comparison to others. All the others were unbearable regarding flavor.


I won a Pasito here years ago, and they had an RBA head. My wife liked it so much we ended up purchasing 2 more. That youtuber that’s now clown like had taught me how to rebuild thost tiny Aspire BVC coils with SS, and we never bought another coil. Those died but the caliburn g2 1pod (replaceable coils) is going on 2 years old. Coils last a month with a simple 3 flavor fruit mix, no sweetener.

Edit: The second I hit submit I remember Rip Trippers.


I’m all in on RBA for sure. Maybe I’m spoiled because of that and maybe because I use those RBA’s to develop my juice, it’s about matching the recipe to the atty. I’m sure all of that is part of the formula. The other thing that I’m not sure is real or in my mind is I don’t like plastic tanks. Glass or metal work better for me.


Thanks a lot @bigvapes, I’ve dropped your quote to David, and a link to this thread.

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Another great review by Sessiondrummer.

I am really keen on this device and hope to be able to get it before the bans kick in here in Australia.

Which are your favourite Steamcrave tanks? I’ve got the Aromarizer Supreme and the 40mm dual mesh coil Titan. I can’t get good flavour out of the Titan.



Thanks very much, and welcome to ELR @Anthonyb. As far as favs, I have to say, I still run both the OG Supreme v.1 7ml as a daily driver, and the RDTA v.1 3ml for all of my critical testing. Both are still flawless flavor chuckers.

As far as the Titan, I never picked any of them up. I stopped with the Plus’s, as they were getting too big. While admittedly “meshing” never took hold for me, I know a lot of people who swear by it, so I can’t give you direct Titan or mesh tricks and tips.


Welcome @Anthonyb But sorry to be the grump here if your government has its way your going to be buggerd getting replacement coils for the pure max if you want a small device sx mini do the older vi rod and the vi class these you can put rebuildable s in as well on the dot platform all this shite. Not going away I feel for ya


Thanks SD. I may have to dust off my Steam Crave OG. I remember it being a magical vape. One of my all time favs is the OBS and OBS Nano (the single coil version). That thing is timeless and sometimes makes me wonder if anything has really advanced in vaping when a 2015 RTA still is as flavorsome as anything else around now.

I’ve been around ELR for a few years now, just never participated in the chats until now. I’ve actually been vaping since early 2010. My interests in DIY were originally to try and recreate old loved juices that are discontinued (Like Lucena by Five Pawns and Candied Cavendish and banana pudding by TPR)

I love mesh but it just doesn’t work out in the Titan. The tank is just too big. Same goes for the Valhalla 40mm. The 30mm is a different ball game. In everything, mesh gives a juicy, saturated and cooler vape I enjoy.

BTW I found you from reading your Medicine Flower and Duomei reviews which I found from a google search. Being in Australia I regularly speak with the owner of Liquiddiy where I obtained the Duomei flavours. I was very impressed by your reviews on MF, so much so that I have a Medicine Flower order in the works.

I am enjoying reading through the two threads



Yes we can’t believe this is happening in Aus. We witnessed what happened in the US with the flavour bans and PMTA and couldn’t help but to sympathise. Now we are getting something much worse, so draconian and dystopic. Our gov’t is extremely corrupt. Their vape propaganda would make your stomach turn.

Our health minister can’t even differential between a vape and a cigarette for health impacts.

I will buy a 100 coils. Same as I did for the Caliburn A3S, Xros 3 and Oxva Xlim.


@Anthonyb being a self admitted #SteamCraveFanboy, I’m still waiting for some “new” stuff, to really TAKE the candle away from the older, and OG SteamCraves. All cards on the table, as the SC’s started getting bigger, I personally didn’t see much, if any saturated flavor increases. I mean, YES, there were MORE flavor, clouds, and capacity, but it wasn’t like the flavor itself was growing bigger as well. I did pick up more than a few Plus’s, and have had very good luck with them, but after that, they grew just too big.


Well in THAT case, welcome to the ELR Forums mate !!!

Well, I do wish I had crazed mesh success stories that I could bomb you with, but the few times that I have, it’s been good, ok, or above average, but nothing that would make me kick my stupid simple (and cheap), single wire Kanthal vertical coils to the curb.

That is outstanding, I’m very glad to hear that.

James is an outstanding guy, and very knowledgeable.

I hope you love them as much as we do (well, I do, hehe), and I would love it if you had the time, to post up YOUR thoughts on them. Doesn’t even have to be full reviews, just even your thoughts mate.

Again, thanks a lot mate, it means a lot to hear that. Cheers mate.


@Anthonyb, @marsh8, @Sevencasper, @Gazza7, and of course @woftam, how do you guys/gals think this is going to play out ?? Everything rolls to the Black Market ??

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I am hopeful that Butler (health minister) doesn’t have the numbers to get it through both houses of parliament which is why we are currently bombarding the Greens party (they hold the balance of power) with our advocacy efforts. It could go either way atm but politicians being what they are if he doesn’t get it through he will try some end-run bullshit to try and impose his will on us.


I’m positive the disposable ban will eventuate but selfishly I’m fine with that as I firmly believe after the last law changes they become extremely popular and caused all the problems that are being constantly rolled out. I say selfishly because I’m not in the least bit interested in them but I do think they have a place in the market and would help more people transition IF THE CURRENT LAWS WERE USED.
With the total ban and the possibility of being arrested and charged for vaping I’m a little more unsure but this time seems different and my suspicions are it’s going to get up.
If it does the black market will flourish as too many people vape now and they will be looking for it. Many will return to smoking but many won’t want to pay the extortionate price for tobacco so it’ll also serve to increase the market for chop chop.

In other words I think Australia is about to make vaping a criminal offense and implement one of the worst decisions it could. It will not produce the outcome their after but cause a lot more problems.


Thank you for your insights @Gazza7, and @woftam.


Posting a (rare) 21 day follow up on the Yihi SXmini PUREMAX. I’ve been using it daily for 3 weeks since posting the review, and it’s continued to impress. I have been rotating 5 different Pods with everything from Custards/Bakeries, to Fruits, a Chocolate, and even a Cereal flavor, and believe it or not, the Pods are still running fine. I think the Custard and Choco ones might be ready to be replaced, but overall, I was VERY surprised to get that type of life out of the coils. The unit has fallen, been dropped, charged/re-charged, and run dry numerous times, without issues, or any real damage to the unit. Despite being fairly heavily abused/used, it’s shown little signs of wear.


Looks like v2 is coming anybody know what’s been changed I wondered why you can’t get them


I’ll answer me own question for all those that need to know the v2 has new pod design ( they moved the plug ) and new colours


I was given one of these by a friend whom had a BOGO on these, and all I can say is wow, its very good!
Since my purchase of the Cabeo, which has sidelined all my other RTAS including my GTIII, GT IVS , TRIPODS V1&2, DVARW, SPUTNIK , 415 , KAYFUNS , SKYLINE, and more, I am a high-end collector of RTAS, and actually love my Cabeo so much I have purchased 2 more , making it 3 , but anyway let me get to the point which is the SX MINI is awfully damn close , if not right there with some of my 200- 400$ RTAS…
I truly love the fact that I can throw that in my pocket and head out without the fear of dropping, losing, and someone stealing my mods and RTAS.
If your on the fence about this, well you can get off, it really is an impressive pod system.
The only people I would tell to save their money are the 100 WATT DL, vapers…
I myself can get a very nice 25 watt RDL using this…and I do…


I wish there was a place in the US to buy them


GrimmGreen rated this #1 pod for 2023, followed by the Caliburn G3 at #2