Your best Grape Vape

I have played with Pixie Sticks a little bit. I do pick up a very slight hint of grape in it but it will work with other berries, if you push it higher the grape is more prominent from my experience.
Used it from 0.5-2%, but like it better under 1%. I found 2% way too much for me and now only use it to accent candy or soft drink mixes.
I’m a strawberry fiend so I have candy mixes with it.
I do like that WF Boysen/Rasp, and have used it with Pixie Sticks but I was too greedy on both in that mix and need to go back.
Don’t do grape so can’t offer anything on that.


If you don’t make sure you pick up WF Sour Ball Candy. They killed it last year but that’s their best accent by a mile. A lot of the newer WF isn’t really a primary (boysen/rasp excluded) but their job on accenting especially candy and lifting up fruit mixes was stuff companies haven’t done in 4+ years.

I’m not the best at describing compared to others so I’ll let the brilliant pudding explain sour ball as it’s an odd flavor, which nobody knows about, and doesn’t use it here on ELR. Heck, I think ATF with 1/100 less people have more mixes with it:

For Strawberry and other fruit mixes it’ll kick it up a notch. I wouldn’t push it higher than 1.50% or so:


Be interested to know how you tweak Grack, xx2000xx. That was one of the first recipes I ever made but sadly I over-vaped it and I’ve kinda gone off it for now. A tweak might help though :smirk:

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Cutting Meringue in half to start. Then I only use CAP SW Straw at 1% with .5% JF Sweet Strawberry. I Use WS-23 & Polar instead of koolada too.

If you haven’t tried it GIGI on ATF as is a nice twist on Grack using cherries and updated flavors. I think a lot more people would like that better, but the key with Grack is you have to let it steep 3 days for the cactus to settle. Before the koolada killed the off-notes but if you use ws-23 instead then you have to do it yourself.


Thanks for that, much appreciated.

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I just woke up (yeah we’ve been lazy lately) and I read that as Grapes tastes different with Facebook compared to salts… yeah i shouldn’t be online without my first cup of coffee LOL.


Ordered some dang VSO grape to see if it’s good I’ll come back and let ya’ll know when it arrives and I test it out.


Did you pick up their other hyped flavor in blueberry? If so let me know how that one is.


I didn’t. I have MF blueberry so not really interested in another one :slight_smile:


That Michelle is a HELL of a BB to have.


To both of you guys and or ladies. I’ve been working on perfecting a great blue raspberry for years now and brought it into this forum too under the blue raz thread. Besides picking up Wild Raz would their BB work in a ble raz mix. Keep in mind you have to add a bunch of other flavors to dial it in and right now I’m getting a base down and most I hit it with HS Blueberry which is a candy type and I take it theirs would be authentic which isn’t a problem because I can bend it.

I read though that MF doesn’t play well with other flavors, not the fact that it’s so potent but hard to work with other companies jhowever they work great with their own line.


MF does play well with FLV…but that is just me… :wink:


@xx2000xx MF does play well with others, BUT, you have to know how to use the stronger ones. Sometimes it needs to be the main note, other times, it needs to be the supporting notes. I’ve mixed/matched with no issues. But as always, everyone’s tastes will vary.


I was just mixing with grape today and stumbled across this thread, think I’ll mix up a batch of one of my best grape recipes that I haven’t mixed in a while,


I’ll try that one out, but will have to sub TPA Cranberry for the Capella


This is kinda grape heavy. One of my favorites.


Would probably go with equal % on sub. Haven’t tried TPA cran, I liked Cap so much never thought to try any other, although I’ve heard FLV is best.


Frank introduced me to a great Grape Recipe and thought I’d share the love here
Strape Ape :

5.00% Grape (VSO)
1.50% Strawberry (Red Touch) (FA)
3.00% Strawberry (VSO)
0.50% Super Sweet (CAP)
1.00% Vanilla Swirl (TPA)

Flavor total: 11%
Remember to rate it at:

I didn’t have the strawberry VSO so subbed out with Strawberry ripe TFA


I was inspired by this thread to look an old reddit clone thread up and I was right it had:

Tweaked it to modern gear percentages and DX Bavarian Cream.

Maybe it could steep a little longer, but I never had the patience to wait longer.


I liked the idea of a grape galaxy and I found a

Please remember to rate the recipe. Thank you!