Your favorite hot adult beverage for winter

So here’s the deal. I have a camping trip planned this weekend with several friends. The weather is going to be nice and crisp. The low is showing to be 38 degrees, which here in Texas this time of year is absolutely insane. It should still be 70-80 ever day!

Well in the spirit of camping we’d normally just drink beer all day long. What kind of camping are we doing where we just drink all day? Well the kind of camping you would do at a Renaissance fair of course! We show up Friday morning around 10am to set up camp, crack open our first cold one, and let the debauchery begin!

Anyways, that’s normally the case. But it’s also usually the type of nice warm weather that we’re used to here 'round these parts.

Getting into the spirit of winter, as well as donning my bib and parka a couple of months early, I’m wanting to get some recommendations and recipes for some of you guys and gals favorite cold weather drinks. Something simple enough that I can heat it up, mix it up, and drink it up without having to set it up. Of course some things are worth the hassle, but the simpler the better when you’re having to pack it up and leave home for a few days.

My mates are all fans of whiskey, rum, vodka, wine…you name it.

Being that we’ll be at the Renfest camping it’s common knowledge that we can just heat up some Mead and dish it out…but that stuff is for the birds! It is overly sweet and not strong enough for our manly Texas drinking habits. So let’s hear it, what do you have to offer to help us stay nice and warm but also allow us to get properly toasty if you know what I mean :wink:


My go to cold outside drink…Wild Turkey American Honey and Apple Cider.


Damn that’s the kind of camping I can get down with!!

Mulled wine (cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, sliced oranges) with brandy. You’d need to steep the spices before hand.

Apple cider with bourbon

Coffee with bailey’s and whiskey ( yes you need both :wink: )


Hot Brandy with plenty of sugar and occasionally a splash of lemon juice :yum:


Hot Black Coffee. That’s my adult beverage.


My preferred drink around a campfire at night has always been Coffee with some Irish Cream, or a splash of some good bourbon(NOT Jack. Maker’s Mark for me, thanks) Hot Toddies are also great-They were my grandmother’s Cure-All. Have a cold? Hot Toddy. Headache? Hot Toddy. Pissing me off? HOT TODDY!

Now that I think about it, I think I know why I had a drinking problem…

If you’re looking for something on the sweeter side for the ladies in your camp, I highly recommend a drink called a Snuggler. Hot cocoa, !/2 jigger peppermint schnapps, 1 jigger Irish Cream, top with whipped cream. Diabetes in a mug, but it’ll knock the chill out!


I’m a Kentuckian. Gotta go with a warm apple bourbon toddy. Core and half about 4 apples, and mix with a bottle of bourbon. Toss in a couple of cinnamon sticks. Let it sit for 3 or 4 days and then strain back into boubon bottle.
When ready to drink, heat water and mix in some honey. Add apple bourbon to taste (1/4 cup?) and top with a lemon peel. Stir and serve with a cinnamon stick. Warm, smooth and very “fall-esk”


Your grandpa’s name was Tod wasn’t it… :smirk:

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I’ll tell you what, for a soar throat, a Hot Toddie will knock it out.

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coffee with whiskey that is all.
when I was younger an loitering in the cold md20/20 and frosty jacks but not sure you can get them in Texas and for good reason :+1:

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If you like the idea tell me to find you a recipe


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Coffee with Emmets Irish cream would be a nice treat by the fire.

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MD 20/20…getting a hangover just thinking about it!


ah the joys of youth

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Nope, Wes, which for some obscure reason was the shortened form of Winfred…Great GamGam REALLY wanted a girl, I guess…


It’s a nice treat anywhere!


Yep! Whenever I get a cold, I reach for a the mixin’s for a Hot Toddy before I reach for the NyQuil. Works better for me-gets the fires lit so I can burn the crap outta my system toot sweet.


Coffee with Kahlua and cream on a cold night. For a sore throat. Hot toddy for sure. Kentucky bourbon, honey, brown sugar, with a squeeze of lemon.

Coffee with Kahlua and Tequila, Probably a version of a Mexican Coffee. These will kick your ass if you mix them too strong, for all day drinking, you’ll be hammered.
I used to drink these around Christmas while decorating the tree.

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whoa that’s a new one! Sounds dangerous…

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