My better half is asking for, the ultimate nut, nutty flavored ejuice. I’d love to WOW her, but I need some help. What is your favorite recipe using nut flavors?
If she likes a bit of tobacco in her vape, FA Glory is the latest nutty tobacco on the market. It’s a great flavor. With the recipe below you could omit the smoke and prunes; it’s an acquired taste. Add in a bit of acetyl pryazine (.5 to 1%) for more nut flavor and she’ll be good to go.
Thanks Jim. Your recipe sounds like I’ll enjoy it. I’m gonna mix a batch. However my lady likes recipes more on the desert side. Something with almonds or hazelnuts being high percenters. Coconut is a favorite flavor of hers also. Caramel is another. I just had the mindset to ask the pros for a tried and proven nut recipe rather than giving her something that hasn’t been perfected yet.
This one is superb.
Bang!!! That one sounds perfect. I like it, I love it, she’ll want some more of it. I’ve been wanting to try FW. I’ll put an order in tonight. Thank you so much. Seems everytime I get into a conversation here, I can’t say enough about the great people sharing. Truly special place.
Cool! Well, @Alisa is one of the regulars in this forum, so you’ll have to let her know how it goes! There is a V2 of this, but I haven’t mixed it yet; probably just as good!
Thanks @Jimk!
and @JohnZena… please do let me know how it turns out. You can make comments on people’s recipes too. That’s very helpful to others here.
I keep meaning to order FA Glory and keep forgetting. I’m going to put that on my wish list RIGHT NOW! LOL
I’ll be more than happy to give my comments along with rants and raves if it’s half as good as it reads. Thank you so very much. I’m amazed at the knowledge I have obtained in less than 2 months. Thanks to wonderful people such as yourselves.
Bust a Nut is a very good one! I recieved a bottle of the original from Alisa and you will not be dissapointed.
I’m excited about mixing it Dave.
Bust A Nut by Alisa is defiantly going to be mixed. Has anyone come across a nutty, custard recipe.
I love Nutz by Cosmic Fog. I’ve not found a recipe for it yet but I encourage you to buy a bottle and try to mimic it. Granted I’ve not had too many nutty juices but among the ones I have tried this one kills the rest.
I’m working on one now. Not quite there yet, but close. I’ll definitely make it public and let you know when it’s good enough.
Nutz. I’ll definitely try to get my hands on it. Thank you very much.
I still have to get Butter Pecan, but as soon as I do, I am going to make a batch of your Bust-a-Nut. Not going to test it, just make a 30ml, and then adjust from there.