So guys tell me what is you favorite recipe?
mine is the unicorn milk clone by Cuttwoodspy
So guys tell me what is you favorite recipe?
mine is the unicorn milk clone by Cuttwoodspy
Top 5 in order
Bust-a-Nut by @Alisa
My Strawberry and Banana Vanilla Custard
Smooth Morning Kick by Lars (@daath)
Unicorn Milk by cuttwoodspy
My Twixted Nut Revisited
MIne are:
Unicorn Milk by cuttwoodspy (min 1 month steep and vaping it right now)
My Tiger’s Blood (Artisan Clone)
My Custards Last Stand
My Hubba Bubba Hawaiian
Let that UM steep another month and come back and tell us how much more you like it
I have a 120ml bottle steeping since Feb 6th just for that purpose!
In 2 months time something amazing happens to that recipe. 1 month is great. But 2 months for the VC is glorious. I have some continuing on to 3 months, but not much. I have another 250ml sitting at 1 month now and I won’t touch it for a good long while yet. Making more this weekend along with a few more custards.
My last batch I did some speed steeping and let it sit trying it off and on Then just the other day it achieved this glorious rich golden color so I tried and WOW!!! That was only after a month of sitting after the speed steep.
Now I need to make up 2 more batches with one speed steeped and the other just time steeped. I want to see if the speed steeping I did decreased the time it needs. All I know is that something amazing did happen to the batch I am vaping now.