we all know it: the moment where everything tastes the same, or everything tastes sweet and nothing else, or everything is just one mush…
What do you vape on that resets your taste buds?
I am currently experimenting with ice bonbon with some koolada mixed in (don’t like vaping witout any flavour), and it already helps quite a bit instantly. But it’s not perfect.
other than vaper’s tongue, some days you get simply “flavor” bored. when it happens to me, I still can taste mixes but i’ve just burnt so much fruits, creams, custards…etc.
my go-to (used to be some menthol mix) is now a simple mix of Grape & Anise … can twist it in many ways, add apple or pineapple or menthol, with or without sweetener.
because this tastes really different from other things i vape, it does the trick. here’s a version of it - feel free to tweak as needed. these %'s are more on the higher side (assuming SnV and not long steep)
When I was buying juice(A whole six months ago-Time flies when you’re having fun!) one of my favorite juices to hit the ol’ RESET button was Pineapple Peach Smoothie by TBD. I only ever bought 30 ml bottles, because I knew that if I vaped much more I’d never taste anything again!
I vape heavy custard/cremes, and when it starts tasting NOT as good as it should, only two things work for me. A sharp citrus/fruit vape, with a side of Espresso.
Damn goid though. I use it for cold symptoms. Damn @Pugs1970 knows what he is doing. Shhhhh, do not tell him I said that. Then we would have to make a butter recipe to get his head and add through the door.