Best All-in-1 vape shop

Thanks for the feedback @CallMeTut, sorry you had issue, as minor as they were. You also answer a question I forgot to ask and was the whole point of my post to begin with haha, shipping speeds. I gather from what you said they are pretty speedy

You have me interested in this JOY, I’ve never heard of it? Pray tell :wink:
granted I can just look it up when I go to order :wink:

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Have to jump in here!!!

Yup! Get the FA Joy. Good stuff. Nice cake like bakery quality; some folks say funnel cake from the fair.

Placing an order with BCV, huh? I remember you saying you wanted a starter tobacco in some thread ; ) lemme look down their list! I’ll be back before you hit the send button!

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That’s all I needed to hear :wink:

Tick tock tick tock…patiently waiting on the tobacco reccondmendation from the tobacco guru…tick tock tick


Well, I’d say go for the FA 7 Leaves. It’s really an all around great tobacco. I use it as a filler tobacco when I want a bit more tobacco punch with whatever tobacco I’m using; it’s good as the only tobacco in the mix as well.

If you want a bit more character, FA Tuscan Reserve Ultimate; soooooo good!

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My timing was good


Thanks buddy :wink: If I’m going to take anyone’s suggestion on bacco it’s going to be yours my friend! I may throw in the reserve so I have some variety though

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I 2nd that commotion


There’s really no spikey qualities at all with the 7 Leaves. Nice And mellow, true tobacco flavor. I’m not going to recommend the INW Parliament, cause I haven’t used it and probably won’t.

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Don’t forget to use code ELRECIPES for 10% off with BCV.

It was the “cherry” in the description on the parlament that turned me off…I just thought pipe tobacco which I have always loved the smell of, just not the taste. Also 7 leaves seems popular and I have seen quite a bit of recipes, so I would have a good starting point. Steep time is a bit longer than I’m used to correct?

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2 or 3 weeks steep time, minimum, with tobaccos if you’re doing the normal mix, shake and wait method.

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Ok so let’s expand on that. How do you mix and steep Darth?

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-I measure by weight
-Give a brief shake
-I have a Little Dipper Crock pot that I keep around 100-110 and usually the bottle will go in there for a short time to loosin my VG
-I remove from bath and give another brief shake and then they go into my homemade spinners
I have a picture here;

I let those spin for a while creating the infamous vortex and (I have steeping boxes if it’s a juice that has flavors requiring age)…although the spinners in my opinion really shorten the time on a lot of my juices, I’m still a firm believer that time is your best friend
-Then I have a collection of really nice wooden cigar boxes I keep the bottles in, each box labeled with the date of whats inside (I usually make at least 5+ bottles at a time)
-After that they go into my wine boxes that I made shelves for easy access, there a pic of my station on that same thread

JimK just taught me about using a frother on my mixes. He states that it eliminates weeks worth of steep time.I’ll be using this method later.

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Nice. I remember seeing that set up before. He swears by frothing. I can’t wait to try it.

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Yeah I would like to give it a try too…one of these days- I’m really happy with my set up and 75% of my juices I can have that day or the next but I have SO many mixes that I’m usually not tasting what I made for over 2 weeks anyways haha
I’m in the upper 400s on my mixes right now so you can see why! Seriously I really make too much if thats even possible :wink:

It was last week or the week before I made 50 alone…I really need to stop…there is no reason to have this much on hand, since I am the only one in the house that vapes
I do sell too but it’s very limited clientele

and what’s your current method?

Currently I’m mixing and waiting. I tried the warm rice and the crock pot. My stirrer hotplate took a cap so I have parts on order to build an a laboratory 4 station magnetic stirrer and hot plate. I just bought a frother. I’m gonna use it on the 300mls I mixed earlier.