Beta Testing New Flavors :D

Speak about the Pyure please … I add sucralose to all my mixes hahahaha


Ken I liked that you combined the cinnamon custard with the vanilla one. On it’s own I have found the vanilla custard to be weaker but hadn’t considered mixing it with the Cinn. I really like the Cinn custard been using it more and more lately.

I made a toffee sticky pudding that Cinn custard would be yummy to add to it

I guess I need to see about getting some of these new ones when their released if they’re not already.


Dammit man you made me spit coffee through my nose!!! :laughing:

Thanks for the reply Walt!

I suppose I just don’t understand. And that’s only because I use many liquids of this concentration that are PG based. There are some with evident alcohol but most are not.

PS - Mixed some Root Beer with some Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and SCM … ooooooh, I think I’m onto something!!


Pyure is liquid Stevia. It has a touch of apple cider vinegar in it and citric acid. @Mofogger was the first person here I saw using it. And he has had very good results with it and it has helped him to be able to vape fruits when before they were too harsh for him. I have the same problem with Orange and citrus to some extent. Adding the Pyure for me makes those problems go away. It also sweetens very well, and Mofogger mentioned using it with Marshmallow makes for a great combo. I have started doing the same and I love it. There are a few threads on here talking about it. Grab a bottle from Walmart and give it a try. It’s great! Stay below 1% at first and find your “sweet spot” :wink:


MmmmM, that looks yum-o-licious! Im up to 14 % with the plain custard but that is where i was with VC V1 (CAP) when i first started working with it and began enhancing it with other flavorings. I really like the two mixed together and adding the bread pudding, wow!

Edit: grammaring is hard!


Couldn’t have said it better myself :wink: (…thanks for the honorable mention)

It’s tasty stuff


@Walt_RealFlavors Any plans to sell the cinnamon from the cinn custard and bread pudding on its own? Its absolutely incredible.


::cough:: Cinnamon Toast ::cough::



Nice, now all we need is a wishlist on site as the cart clears when logging out. I gotta wait on that butterscotch pudding, hehe.

Thanks again.


Just a persistent cart when you’re logged in :slight_smile:


I second this!

I would also like the sassafras flavor on its own if possible.


Huh? Can’t get the SCM yet? Did I just overlook this Nectar of the Gods? Can’t find it. Speaking of…

I made that Root Beer floaty thing yesterday. I’m resisting the urge to post the recipe because I feel this needs some steep, especially using the Capella Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. But I can’t even promise it will still be here when steep time passes. BTW, my first taste of this mix was in a dripper I had been using to vape my Lemon Horchata Cream. I didn’t get all the flavor out or change wick first. Damn…might have to make a Root Beer/Horchata blend because that was a seriously good first few puffs. !!! ! ! ! !!!


Hey so you know how we talk about testing and making sure everything is safe…

Well guess what. The test came back on butterscotch and I did not like the levels. Instead of releasing it as is and saying oh well, we just drained 110 gallons of flavoring. The AP test came back WAY to high and I am not releasing that crap.

So Round 2! I have a new batch being made as we speak and testing will be sent off in the morning.



I love AP, id tap it into a vein if i wasnt afraid of needles. I am literally crying right now, on the inside of course as i am a product of the 70s.

Seriously tho, with how creamy and rich the custards are sans the diketones you keep on doing what you do, oh great wizard of the golden elixirs.


We all cried… Tmrw I will say a couple words on your behalf at the drain.


I just poured a little Cinn Custard to the dirt, just a little tho cuz that stuff shouldnt be wasted. :wink:


you better not have Ken unless the " dirt " is a bottle and you dripped it into the next batch of deliciousness.


Alright, it was in my mouth hole and not the dirt.


whew …ok I’ll let it pass

you can pour out cantaloupe TFA all over the ground… wait a minute the ground is too good for that.


In keeping with the format used by zigz & Ken_O_Where, here are my impressions. All mixed at 8% single flavor (Molasses @ 5%) tested at 0.5 ohms 28g A1 kanthal single coil in a Zepherus V2 @ 25w on a eVic vtc mini

2205 - Powdered sugar
Nice and light but might get overpowered by a stronger flavor, nice for a bakery flavor.
1983 - Meringue
Nice mouth feel, a definite winner.
1984 - Meringue
Virtually no flavor to speak of, will continue steeping,
2209 - Sweetened Condensed Milk
I can see this replacing the dairy in any recipe I have. Sweet and creamy I love it.
2004 - Molasses
This flavor surprised me @ 5% it worked well. The flavor is spot on.
1986 - Honeydew
I didn’t care for this flavor didn’t really taste like honeydew to me. Tasted a little like chemical (perfumey) to me. Letting it breath and steep a little more.
1987 - Honeydew
This version is much more to my liking than #1986 closer to the real thing
20216 - Banana
Nice banana flavor, not like candy or “ripe” maybe as a compliment smells perfect though.
2391 - Pear
Very perfumey, the flavor is not bad should mature into a nice flavor.
2392 - Pear Cooked
Canned pears, I really liked this another winner
2389 - Peach
I was looking forward to this one a lot after reading @bradslinux review and was he right I’m sure this will replace “juicy peach” in my recipes.
2393 - Root Beer
Of the two root beer flavors, this will be the one I mix with. IT reminds me of a mug of root beer. A little ligter then #2394 just a hint of candy. I’m thinking root beer float.
2394 - Root Beer
Of the two I prefer this as a single flavor, it is much stronger. Even at lower percents you will still get a wonderful flavor
2388 - White Chocolate
I do not get white chocolate in this one. It’s a nice creamy flavor, but not really “chocolate”.

I will continue to steep and test these flavors and I will report any significant changes. I’d also like to thank @Walt_RealFlavors for the opportunity to test these Beta flavorings. Looking forward to beta 2.