Explanation of my recent absence

Thanks, guys! @Lostmarbles @BoDarc @Pugs1970 thanks to everyone encouraging and complimenting me…I really appreciate everything.
I have spent countless hours researching the components. I have and still go through ALL of the pix posted by the guys in the group I’m in, constantly looking for ways to do these better/cleaner. I browse hundred of photos on a regular basis looking for ideas and trying any and every thing out. Looking good to create my own personal signature in everything I do.
I am currently looking good for a unique enclosure idea, but nothing jumps out at me yet. But still I look…hoping to find something totally unique/personal/different.
Again, thanks…I’ll keep posting my accomplishments!


I bought more 510 light up rings…just so you know.
I also bought some more of the boards I’ve been using AND I bought some new boards that look TOTALLY awesome! More features and more accurate on the read out!


Sometime soon I will be posting pix of the different size cases I use so people get an idea of what size these things are. I was informed recently that some of you guys think these things are huge. Like the size of a VCR tape…but that’s so far from the truth, lol.


dude I don’t even have to say I’ll see what mine will be like because I know full well it’s gonna be the best mod I’ll own, I’ll do you a full review on it and I have absolutely no doubt I’ll be ordering another in the future with all these new toys on it :wink::clap::+1:

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ok, pay attention people…especially anyone using any of my mods and anyone who has received my “email”…you know which one i’m talking about. @Pugs1970 @fidalgo_vapes @BoyHowdy
i just now touched up on some reading and am finding mixed reviews from what i previously thought was the word made flesh.
If anyone is familiar with batteries, battery specs, battery manufacturers claims and the buzz revolving the entire industry, then you definitely know who Mooch is. I recently donated to Mooch and his GoFundMe campaign and that prompted me to do a touchup on the vast wealth of knowledge that Mooch provides the vaping/battery industry and i must say…there is info that is conflicting with what i thought was the real deal. AND there is plenty of new info!
i will make this part short, but at the end i will include a picture to help with the facts. (or for printing and coloring with crayons for those that dont care).
it was always my understanding that Sony VTC4 and VTC5 were 30 amp continuous batteries, with 2100 and 2600 mAh, respectively. It was also my understanding that LG also had 30 amp continuous batteries, the HB4, having only 1500 mAh. As far as i knew, that was it on 30 amp cont. batteries. Lemme introduce exhibit 1a, from our very own Mooch, who runs very extensive tests on batteries to expose the truth.

As you can see, my precious little VTC4 and VTC5 arent pulling their weight in this graph…but the LG HB4, along with a few of his buddies, ARE living up to standards! WOW! I first wanna say…there is ALWAYS time to learn! Whether its new info or old info!
for the record, i will be buying a few of t he ones listed for my own personal testing!
***ALSO: for PWM boards, i think high amp batteries are good, but i dont think its completely necessary to buy 30 amp batteries. ALWAYS refer to an ohms law calculator!
alright…i’m outtie!


LG does do some really nice batteries. Just a shame they are the target of so much of the fakes market with HG2s. The one that really surprises me is that iJoy 26650 blowing away all competition.


i saw thatand was rather impressed!
i’ll have to look into building a dual 26650 PWM mod…i bet that shit rocks!


I have a couple of 26650 mods , major disappointment so far.I did buy a Hcigar VT75 with that battery in mind.
So far I haven’t found the IJoy in stock to test but… Mooch’s word is golden and I am sure that I will be pleased!

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@BoyHowdy This looks mis-labeled but the detailed description is two batteries for $14 (!!??)


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found the Ijoy 26650 here if any uk members are looking for them. it’s awesome to see a battery manufacturer including a scratch and check on the battery wrap


While my $14 deal looks great I apologize in advance for recommending buying batteries from China. I always buy from Illumn. Would expect scratch and check stickers on any iJoy 26650 that were authentic. Thanks @anon88729607!


with a scratch and check on them tho there shouldn’t be any problems ordering them from china :slight_smile: i hope more companies start to do this with batteries .

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I am not really worried about the batteries being fake as I am about getting held up in customs.I am going to give it a try , as I can’t find the iJoy’s in the states.

Yea just read a long thread on the fastech forums about customs holding packages for the FDA :frowning:


I found them direct from Ijoy but are double the price. $39.98 http://ijoyus.com/ijoy-40a-4200mah-26650-battery/

Or from Canada for $21.90 https://www.canvape.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=ijoy26650A

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I went ahead and ordered 4 of the iJoys to try out from Efun.top. Thank you and @anon88729607 for the help now IF I can just get customs to leave my vape alone all will be well!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yea it is a bit ridiculous now that the FDA is seizing vapemail


It is but… I try to be a glass half full kind of guy.I am hopeful that this may backfire on the FDA.The vast majority in the states have no clue about the upcoming regs so a silver lining may be that this will get more people involved .
If people starting getting longer delays in their vapemail maybe they will fire off an email or three to their state representatives .


Daniel at djlsb vapes made a solid point, to me at least, that things are being seized and not even questioned whether they are being used for nicotine products or not.


I agree and I don’t think it is wise on their part to wake the sleeping giant!