There’s tons of mixers I would like to thank that have helped me in my mixing journey. Not all of us are still friends and thats a shame but most are… also I dont know their ELR presence as much as their FB group and reddit presence.
so I would like to thank:
Bruce Ashcraft- (has given me inspiration ith all types of random flavors)
Jeff Hasley- (taught me the power of peach.)
Elisa Dunesbury- (taught me the value of mixing for those with sensitivities.)
Ashlie Gantt- (taught me to step out of my 3 top brands)
John Mcgregor- (taught me all types of shit.)
Wayne Walker- (we went to ECC together and He taught me to mix by weight.)
Ty Edwards- Showed me the power of N.E.T.S for tobacco lovers
Chris Hubbard and Paul STyles… well we love “dirty” dessert flavors and could bounce ideas off each other without judgement
Judson Thomas Ireland- (straight to point the perpetual flavor skeptic)
NotCharlesmanson- (just has a lot of recipes that are fun to tweak and is a nice guy.)
ELR: I browse this forum all the time for inspiration and although All The Flavors his hip cool and gaining more screen time with me. this is a comfortable mix space that allows me to lurk and learn
The DIYorDIE Discord Channel: Quick access to looming questions about mixing with a dose of humor. (does ELR have an equivalent?)
DIY Ejuice Recipes , Arkansas DIY Mixers DIY E-juice University are also decent groups I like to skim on FB for info
I thank all these people because i continue to draw from their knowledge for the most part.