HeavenGifts Giveaway: Win Free Geekvape Eagle Tank and Replacement HBC Coils

Nah I should be getting one this month :slight_smile: I just put it off slightly is all

In CAN, where would you buy one, and which one would you buy?

oh they are easy to get here… im just going to grab one from canvape with my next order from them I just put off my order in favor of some more fun days out with the kids (totally worthwhile imo)

What is canvapes url?

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Reply any of the rules below to enter:
1.Share your coil rebuilding experience if you have
It was great I rebuild the coil with great skill!

2.What kind of wire your coil is made of
My coil is Clapton, it has flavour and clouds good

3.How do you think about this Eagle tank
I think it is really good to the point i have a rise in temperature and my mind gets blown…

4.Tag 2 friends to join the game, like @HeavenGifts
@ozo @GPC2012


1.I was sold some NI wire (vapor store salesman), then I bought some SS316 wire and make a few noob coils, they worked somewhat. but I don’t have a decent tank/RDA to work with. IMO a velocity style deck would be good if it’s high quality, mine is not. So my experience is not good.
3.This looks like a nice tank compared to the velocity clone I have.
4.my friends come join the game: @CallMeTut @Josephine_van_Rijn

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@Heaven_Gifts you blow me away with another giveaway, yes, I like you! :hugging:

1. I started building coils soon after I started to vape and learned it on Youtube. Started with kanthal but moved to SS primarily. I usually keep them simple cause I’m lazy. I do like prebuilt coils for the same reason but don’t like to fork over the money for them :money_mouth:
2. As I said above, primarily SS316
3. I’ve got the Griffin and would like a companion for it cause it’s lonely and this looks like a very good BFF :anguished:
4 . C’mon friends @Naseschwarz @MixedUp1 @Shaner @SunnyT


My build experience is trying to get a decent coil to fit in my toptank mini. And at the same time trying to adjust the wick to get the best vapor with no leaking. The coil in there now is a basic kanthal Clapton. The tank looks amazing!


@Darth_Vaper1 @Alisa @Josephine_van_Rijn @Joel5 @jhmiller @axbyg @Sandy @diogo_santos @GPC2012

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@fidalgo_vapes @Grubby @higraf @hjm_services @jonda @keyofhappy @LordVapor @Zen @Xaier @Bearkat

@Noesis @mstokens @Max_Nielsen @Mysti @mikael_b @mads @qqq865 @SS_Serp @ggkun1 @YouDontKnowMe

currently i am trying to learn to build with little time to do so i currently own the velocity v2 and will use SS when building id like this bc it would be another thing to learn to build on

@CosmicTruth @jhmiller @Rob62


We need some more contestants for this giveaway before the 17th.
@Pattie @ZeroedIn @dwdh586 @Sprkslfly @BoyHowdy @bradslinux @BoDarc @john70 @Big_Benny_MI @JustSomeVaper anybody?


Still need some more people for this contest




Take a look at who entered first @Anonymiss, I done did already done did it. :wink: Unless of course we get two entries here also?


Reply any of the rules below to enter:
1.Share your coil rebuilding experience if you have. Build mine 80% off the time. I always vape pre builts that come with tanks/kits. And occasionally buy a 5 pack. But most time just winde my own real quick.
2.What kind of wire your coil is made of i only use 2 types of wire. A1 Kanthal and SS316L. with SS being my fav. The flavor is amazing.
3.How do you think about this Eagle tank pretty cool sub ohm tank! Like the griffin but with some beefy coils. And awesome part is you can rewick the prebuilt coils and keep on vaping!
4.Tag 2 friends to join the game, like @HeavenGifts @Anonymiss @MisterSinner


If my count is right we just need 8 more at the moment. :thumbsup:


utoh… calling in the heavy artillery of cheerleaders


trying to give @Anonymiss a break from counting lol…she is prob still dizzy from the other giveaway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: