Is there such a thing as a great rebuildable MTL device?

My searches led to bleh results, figured I’d start out fresh and see if anyone knows of a great rebuildable MTL setup (pref. that doesn’t leak lol), to break the chains of prebuilt attys ?

Basically all of my current fav MTL setups (yes I still own and use a Phiniac tank and cartomizers) all use prebuilt (purchased) attys and am looking into any good/great rebuildables.


Paging @Grubby - can you assist? :smiley:


Vandy vape berserker
Innokin Ares
Siren 2

I use the Ares and it is a great little MTL RTA it does have a flaw or two like most vape products, it seems they can’t perfect them yet…


Flash e Vapor V4 clone. Easy to wick, no leaking, good flavor, cheap. Best Mtl rta vor me. I tested very much. Berserker, Siren 2, kayfun 4 + 5, nothimg can beat my FeV. The clones are perfekt


I have 2 of these in daily rotation. Hands down the best leak proof tank I’ve ever owned.


I am guessing that u want info/advice on some new tanks on the market since most of what @Grubby has mentioned have been before, like kayfun5 and prime. Gl to you!!

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You might also check out Phil Busardo on YouTube.
He’s been focusing much more on MTL tanks lately.
(And that’s his preferred style of vape.)


I have siren v2, kayfun v5, kayfun v4 they are easy to build, for the taste they are verry close, kf seems a tiny bit better to my taste, i use only mtl since years, good news to see more model cumming ( prime, ares…ect) those will replace my older kayfun, sqape, and the multiple one i got thinking i could get use to DL…

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Don’t think “newness” is necessarily essential to @SessionDrummer here :+1:

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Here again the term “Great” makes things dubious. If you thought the old Nautilus was great, I haven’t run across any RTA’s with that tight of a draw. If you like the Nautilus II then the Siren II (I think) is closer. I’ve got half a dozen old Eleaf Lemo Drops that I love. They are on the loose end of the spectrum. Don’t know if you can even source them anymore. Got 5 at a buck-a-hit over the last black friday session.


man, none of them leak for real, it all depends on coiling/wicking and nothing more than it…

last weeks i tried the:
Siren 2, Fumytech Rose and a while ago Berzerker by Vandy Vapes…
they all have bottom airflow, wrong wicking may cause leaks…
an mtl of my preference is Kangertech Protank 4

Berzerker has the tightest puff of all… it has nice flavor and works great…
Siren 2 and Fumytech rose are really great :slight_smile: though you can’t have a tight draw as Berzerker… though for some reason i like the Rose more than the others two but that’s just me… i am a DL person anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Kayfuns in general are considered as the best MTL tanks but the cost is higher than the others… if you don’t mind the cost i would suggest you get a ESTIA by GUS (triple MTL rta), it really rocks… probably the best rta ever used, though the cost for it is 130E. it will probably take you some time to learn buidling it but after that i am sure that there is NO way back :slight_smile:

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@Grubby Thank you…

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It’s 30mm, but Ehpro Big Buddha…

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I vape my Aromamizer V-2 MTL with 1 hole open on the air flow control ring… I tape off the opposite hole so that I am drawing air from only 1 hole…although it is a fair vape…the draw isn’t quite what I shoot for… It doesn’t leak OR vapor lock, which is the trade-off…

The leaking problem with the RTA is certainly an issue with wicking, but sometimes once I get a good leak free wick set up, the next issue becomes vapor lock…whereby the air doesn’t get into the wicking area/chamber due to too much wicking, resulting in vapor lock, improper juice flow which then leads to dry hits…A variety of wicking method videos try to address this issue…but none to my satisfaction… I experience this on Merlin Mini…Goblin Mini V-3…

The Goblin Mini V-1 renders excellent MTL and can be wicked so as to avoid the leak/vapor lock issue, however the build deck is extremely small and requires a lot of patience to work with…

A couple of Attys you may want to look at may be the Serpent Mini…the Lemo Drop (though it has a cumbersome air flow control feature)…but a great flavor vape… Bachelor Nano…K-fun V-3 is an excellent MTL tight draw but a little fidgity in the wicking, and a very small build deck…

I will look forward to hearing what you find and your results and perhaps recommendations…

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Yeah, doesn’t have to be new.


Go Berserk!!

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Dman, i think you’re in the US. If so, I can shoot you a brand new berserker. No charge. Never even been washed. I bought two on a preorder and it’s too tight for me, even being a MTL vapor. I tried drilling out the second one, just doesn’t get it for me.

Kayfun v5 or Cthulhu mtl are the best for my style of vaping.



what an offer!!:+1: …almost worth an impersonation! (but the postage to Aust would be a giveaway)

Not questioning your style @28If… just interested- where you not a cig smoker before you started vaping?
It was the tightness of a cig draw that I was looking for in a MTL & struggled to find. The Berserker absolutely nailed that for me. But hey… each to their own. I kinda get the impression from what I’ve read here on ELR that maybe I might like it a bit tighter than others.

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Before you decide, check out the Fumytech Rose, similar to the Berzerker as a MLT set up although it is a 24MM and can build dual coil. I have both Berzerker and the Fumytech Rose and the Rose beats the Berzerker to death in flavor. Has an easy build and to wick it is simple.


@28If Thank you very much.

@Beaufort_Batches Thanks very much for the heads up on that Rose.