Looking for a rebuildable mtl tank

Hi all. I have been vaping using a aspire nautilus 2 and am enjoying it. What I’m not enjoying is paying £2 a coil and them not lasting much longer than a week. I am now thinking about starting building my own coils, I am hoping some of you kind people can give me some suggestions on an appropriate tank to start this journey. Being the tight ass that I am the cheaper the better if possible. Many thanks


Since you are looking for mtl check out some of thebphul basardo (spelling error but will get you there) reviews on YouTube. He is truely an old school mtl guy.

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The kayfun v5 is the best mtl available imo.
Perfect for mtl. You can go authentic or get a clone.
The smjy clone will accommodate the restrictor set but the sxk clone won’t. Both very good clones.


You might check out the Serpent Alto. I really like mine. I have mine built with simple single wire coil for an old fashioned regulated tube mod that has a max output of 20 watts, yet this little booger does a respectable cloud with good flavor at 20 watts (2.5mm coil, 7 wraps, 26 guage…works out to about 0.8 ohms)

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The kayfun v5 is actually not made for MTL, you need to buy the mtl kit in order to restrict the airflow. I have been doing quite some reseach into the best MTL RTA and I finally decided to buy the kayfun mini v3. Been vaping on it for almost a year now and I wouldn’t want to switch to any other RTA.
If you want MTL, excellent flavor, easy coil builds and splendid craftmanship, get a kayfun mini v3. Not cheap, but believe me, you will not regret it.
Would recommend to buy an extra streel tank as a replacement for the glass tank, because the question is not ‘will my glass break?’, it’s rather ‘when will it break?’. I actually dropped mine this weekend, after almost a year of intense daily use, not to bad, but still… you don’t want to end up with a broken tank and having to wait days in order to get vaping that beast again…

Edit: The only downsite I can think of is the tank volume. It only holds 2ml of juice. But then again, the topfill on this tank is so easy and literally cost me a few seconds to fill, so it’s really not that much of an issue. By buying a steel tank you can increase the volume to about 2.5-3ml and even to 4 if you get the curved version.


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I already have the v3, I’ve had mine for a year’ish myself. Great little rta.
I still say the v5 is the better of the two, imo, and yes you have to get the restrictor set, but it is definitely a mtl rta. It was designed so, but it ended up with more air flow than was required, hence the restrictor set.
The down side, for me, on the v3 is the screws, there so easily rounded and will not bite to keep the wire in place. You don’t have that problem with the v5.
My 2x kayfun v5 and my v3


Digiflavor Siren GTA is a very nice MTL tank.


Been trying to get the 22mm version for a bit. Nice mtl vape I’ve been told. :+1:

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Thanks for all of the replies. You guys have given me plenty to think about.

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You can rebuild the coils of the nautilus if you are into that at all. There are tutorial on YouTube on how to do it. Can point you in the right if interested.

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though i am a DL Vaper i would suggest you the Kangertech Protank 4…
it works for both MTL and DL hits very well… it has as much airflow to fullfull both mtl and dl roles while at the same time it’s giving nice flavor with a capacity of 4mls when using the rba and 5ml when using manufactured atomizers (0.5 clapton, 0.5 ceramic, 1.2 + 1.5NC while i think there are some Ni that i don’t remember the ohms of them)

other choices i could give you are:
kayfun lite or kayful mini v3 and Gus Phenomenon though they are kinda expensive (specially the phenomenon)
Serpent Mini RTA

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You might want to look at the Skyline clone, it has a number of air-flow inserts to completely customize your vape and holds like 5ml.

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Kayfun 5 w/o airdlow adapters is really too open for anything but a restricted lung vape. Definitely go for the SXK or SMJY to try before you buy a 100+ original with adapters / as mentioned to someone else the Skyline (per Phil Bussardo too) is prolly a better option.


I have to agree with @Pattie about the Kayfuns. I got my V3 and V5 a while back from 3F:


Bought 3 @ V3 and 1 @ V5 ; been a happy camper since! :grinning:

No need to spend a butt load of money on an authentic when a well machined clone will do just fine. :+1:

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Totally agree.
I have authentic and clone and the clone does exactly the same job and i get the same results :+1:

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That could be very useful, if you wouldn’t mind.

I have ordered a kayfun mini v3 from 3fvape. Hopefully it is as good as most of the reviews I have read. Will also look into some of the other suggestions made. Thanks again.


Is this the one you mean?

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How to rebuild coils video

Ya know… looks like a great tank, except for those screw posts which are going to snap those wires like a twig. :rage: This is one of the reasons I like a deck which has, just screws to trap the wire beneath or clamp plates. I’m pretty much over having to file down the areas where the wire touches the post or grub screw points, which will bite into the wire and break it off upon tightening down the screw.

Rant over… moving on. :smirk:

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