I’m usually on my phone. No hovering! I pressed and held it just now and it did pop up in another screen.
And I thought you were one of the ones who actually liked me. Oh well.
On the original topic: FWIW, I like the new idea. It is pretty easy to figure out who gives good advice from an experienced level, though, once you’ve read a few topic threads and asked for a good bit of advice as a new mixer. It didn’t take me long to start clicking on avatars and reading “joined on” dates, # of posts, days of reading time, likes received, etc. But, I can see where making it easier to spot a helpful veteran of the forum could be beneficial to a new mixer. I’m liking that it’s not just how long a member has been here that earns the LLAP badge. From what I can see from this thread, being a trusted and helpful veteran is the criteria for the badge. So, that’s cool. Great debate and discussion! I look forward to seeing that this won’t be as big of a deal as some initially thought, and it will be a nice tweak to the site.
Not trying to argue here but, and this comming from ‘one of the new ones’, some pepole here have a point that a one (new mixer/builder/ect…) will easely overlook other inputs when a ‘veteran’ shared his/her toughts on a subject, which is one of the most normal things in the world because it saves time to read everything.
Time is the enemy…
If you search info online on any subject, one easely looks to a post from someone with a special badge behind him/her name because it easely catches ones direct attention
Personaly, and stated be4 in this discussion, i do not care about it, everyone helps eachother which makes this wonderfull place great! I can find myself in some statements some members shared which is totaly understandeble.
I can see this point of view. I don’t know, though. I can only speak for myself, of course, but even after I had identified most of the active veterans, I still pulled information from all around.
If someone wants to skim a topic it’s their choice. This badge thing might actually make the skimming a little easier and more productive for someone who doesn’t want to(or doesn’t have the time to) read and absorb every nuance of info.
Edit: I just don’t think it likely that a new mixer would flat out ignore someone’s advice for lack of a badge.
Edit2: Removed the "I guess"s from my statements!
Personally I have no problem with the word mentor.
But to me a mentor should be.
Someone who
has mixed a few mixes they like.
Is willing to help Guide someone on a 1 to 1 basis with their journey into the DIY world
1. Isn’t going to say buy this and this 2. Isn’t going to just give a few links and move on
Doesn’t need to have 200+ flavours. Just the willingness to help.
Okay wizard has been suggested , not a bad idea either.
But to me A Flavour Wizard should be
Someone who
Has creates their own recipes
is willing to help guide people on a 1 on 1 basis with their journey into the DIY world or help make flavours pop
should have experience with lots of flavours from several vendors
willing to buy a new flavours if needed to help someone
Okay , so maybe we need nore than one group.
One for the forum veterans who like to help and one for the newer members who also like to help.
Then no one would really feel left out.
Also these new groups should be given some additional privledges since they are officially helping with the site
Maybe access to private mentors forum and leadership forum
Yup, spent yesterday reading both threads, and those were (similar to) my emotions too. I’m new here, but yesterday felt like a roller coaster of emotions.
Glad it all worked out and that almost everybody is “happy” or “positive” about the change.
You all don’t know it, but I feel like you all are part of my family. Lovely, crazy, spazzy, strange, mental family… like all “real” families! Now, I’ll just go back to my little corner and keep reading. Carry on.
oh, and CONGRATS to all the new mods and admins.
so when's all the flavor database names gonna be fixed ? :crazy_face:I don’t think such a word exists. No matter what word you’ll use there will be someone who is offended.
Take the word Wizard for instance, I think that is highly offensive and should only be given to people who have successfully changed into
and have been certified by Hogwarts.
I see this was covered already but since @TW12 doesn’t have a flair to his name it obviously had to be repeated by an authority figure like me
Very true and clever!!! Flying Turkeys Rule!!! (Actually, The Flying Turkeys may be a nice name for a band).
What about grand wizard? Oh… wait… nevermind, that wouldn’t work either
What about words like chef, sous chef etc…?
We are in a recipes site right?
Chef De Juice
Nailed it
And like you wrote down, it does help when you want quick awnsers.
As an Army veteran myself, I am comfortable saying that no one owns the word veteran, and it has a dictionary definition that makes it suitable for use here. So I agree with @daath, and really think the distinction lies by the use of the phrase military veteran. And the whole notion of not wanting the word capitalized…wow. Assigning such reverence and making the word so sacred. That’s a bit much. But at the same time we are living in a different world nowadays. How about this? I’m a veteran, title-neutral mentor who leans dripper and my preferred pronoun is “it.”
Like the clown It? Or cousin It from the Addams family?
Why not cut out the crap and give the “veterans” a gold star on their avatar as a form of recognition, nothing more, nothing less. Saves confusion eh.
Hmmm. Grrr. I like to look at a grain of salt for long it becomes a mountain. Lol.
This still makes me chuckle.
I’m no PC Patrol Clown. But I do actually hold military veterans in very high regard, and gladly assign the ol’ Capital V out of profound respect. Few people should garner the same respect as our military.
As do I. Especially those who were deployed. My point is this, and can be summed up in a question -
Which of the following words does not belong? God, Allah, Vishnu, Veteran
The fact that people are in this thread needing to defend the use of the word is quite revealing by the way.
Well I was voting to use it. Just reinforcing my viewpoint that military vets deserve inestimable kudos. As for it here in the forum? Totally different story. Hell, use Wizard if folks like the sound of it more. Use whatever. I guess I just saw a chance to salute our military members and took it. And I have actually given up a first class seat to a soldier in uniform before. But this ain’t about wee little me, sorry.