New study suggests vaping damages the heart

I’d believe you if you didn’t add another passive aggressive remark. Expected me to twist your words? Why? I haven’t done that to anybody at any point. If you’re being honest then cool, but you can surely see how your comment is easy to misconstrue as a veiled insult. If it wasn’t, then i accept that.

I would like a link as well, I’m sure it will surface, it’s like two days old and I’m not any more privvy to these sources than you are. If you find it before me, please post it.

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I certainly will, i assumed you had a link as you said:

Sorry if i misread this statement. Like i said previously i am interested in only facts from those doing the research. Speculation will always cause rifts. As half an old fart i have seen this kind of double-speak bazillions of times yet i still try to get to the truth because in the end it is all that matters.

Ill keep on searching until i find it, then ill ask my brother, a research scientist with a PhD or my wife who is also a research scientist, for the full paper. Both of them have published several papers in various journals so hopefully they can get it.


When i meant source i meant people have asked several times who did the study and where it was done and i posted the commission and name of the doctor. I don’t know where the study itself is published, I’m sure it will become available.
If i find it first I’ll post it.


A new study suggests that people are better off doing their own research rather that trying to rely on media sourced information.

Do you vape? - yes
Do you feel better for it? - yes
Have you researched the liquids your using, their chemical compounds and any potential risks they pose when inhaled? - I can do that?? Yeah, amazing huh?

As vapers, we are the ones doing the real research, we are the ones who will be able to answer the questions posed in many articles, like any good research it takes time

Edit: If you are in any doubt about vaping then please feel free to stop, the ELR community will help safely dispose of any vaping gear, flavourings and nicotine


This just in…more at 11pm! (If it bleeds, it leads :smirk:)



Awesome find and great link @Kinnikinnick!!

It also contains a link to the “research” (lol, if you can stoop to calling “a letter to a journal” research…for medical journals, it’s the equivalent of “a letter to the editor” in a newspaper).

[quote]What is it based on? It was based on a study of one particular well known acute response to nicotine exposure, written up as a letter to a journal: Vlachopoulos C, Ioakeimidis N, Abdelrasoul M, et al (2016) Electronic Cigarette Smoking Increases Aortic Stiffness and Blood Pressure in Young Smokers. J Am Coll Cardiol 67:2802–2803. [link][PDF]

What was the study about and should we be concerned? We should not be concerned by this. This is a study that measures an acute effect of nicotine use on the ‘stiffness’ blood vessels. Similar effects are found with exposure to coffee, as a result of exercise and even while listening to music.[/quote]

Again nice find, and it’ll be interesting to dig further into for information.


well…I did NOT see that coming…

I’ll carry on then, seeing as I completely stopped when I read the article…



The articles (the ARTICLES, not the RESEARCH) say ecigs are as bad as cigs because they share one similar symptom and completely ignores the fact that cigarettes have a list of negative symptoms a mile long. That is the definition of false equivalence!

I get your point, vapers commit the fallacy of confirmation bias on the daily. That is obvious. What is not obvious (to me, at least) is why you seem so hell bent on riling everyone up with this particularly easily pulled apart “study” and refuse to acknowledge any attempts to counter it with logic or studies showing contrary evidence as anything but a religious devotion to ecigs.

There are plenty of studies that have been run for a year or more. The earliest vapers have been around for 10 years now. Long term data is increasingly becoming available. “We don’t know the long term risk” has been the mantra of the anti-vape activist for a decade. And it’s starting to get old. Literally.


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Remember, when you can’t win an argument, just throw insults. I could say you’re a moron too, but i don’t need to drop to your level. Nice to see people only like insults when the people they agree with are slinging them. The definition of butthurt. I’m sorry we don’t agree. I think I’ll somehow manage to get over it though. I like how fenrir liked it but moaned yesterday because he thought it was a strong of me to suggest a person being rude to me was salty. So intellectually honest of you :stuck_out_tongue:
I think that says it all.

I’ll make it simple for you, you win, you’re right, scientists must only be listened to when you like what they say, you win, did i mention you win?

This is absolutely fantastic, absolutely correct, and presented in a way any lay person should be able to understand.

You can skip the skit at the end, unless you’re just a huge H. Jon Benjamin fan tho.


I spent a few minutes on Google and believe I found the original study publication here:
Electronic Cigarette Smoking Increases Aortic Stiffness and Blood Pressure in Young Smokers
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 67, Issue 23, Pages 2802-2803

I was not able to find a “free” link to the entire article though. If anyone has access to a medical library and would care to post/share; I would be interested.


Oddly Dr. Farsalinos ran a study a few years ago on aortic stiffness and elasticity:

Which concluded that vaping doesn’t affect aortic stiffness and elasticity…



“This study adds to currently available evidence which universally supports that electronic cigarettes are significantly less harmful compared to smoking.” - Great find @daath

From this Document:

“Research on ECs should be intensified since they may be potentially useful in reducing the adverse vascular effects associated with smoking.”


Despite all the ‘banter’ yesterday, which I quite enjoyed to be fair, your message is true, we are and should be open to suggestions that vaping may have long term effects, no one knows and only time will tell for sure, but your delivery was confrontational and that of someone that was against vaping IMO, I trust the evidence SO FAR that suggests that vaping is way safer than smoking and I have yet to read anything that would make me think otherwise, you don’t come across as someone who trusts vaping, so don’t do it?
I don’t trust parachutes, so I don’t jump out of planes wearing one.
My only concern with the article you posted is the effect it will have on the people’s perception on vaping and the potential to make less informed people go back to smoking and we all know how that ends, for that reason you shouldn’t pedal that sh&t, because that’s what it is. Sh&t. And dangerous sh&t at that.


That’s bloody well it, I’m off to Brussels to lobby for the CPD. The smallest pack of coffee I can buy is 250 grams, I think that is totally irresponsible and should be brought back to no more than 25 grams. Also I want a ban on those huge coffee mugs they’re selling all over the place, half the size of an espresso cup should really be the limit, and I insist that caffeine free coffee should still be labeled as a product derived from caffeine. Are they absolutely out of their minds and what about the kids, with all those different flavours, all the latte’s and mocha shit and did you know that you can even get coffee with ice-cream in it? :smiling_imp:


Breaking News Everyone !! Nicotine is a stimulant.

Saying that inhaling nicotine, can momentarily increase blood pressure, and stiffen arteries, is like saying pouring water can make things wet. It is simply cause and effect. Next, let’s study the effects of proving the obvious on the gullible masses…