New study suggests vaping damages the heart

As said earlier, the newspapers i posted are beside the point, you want me to post a few hundred papers and find one you like? It’s irrelevant. The study wasn’t done by a newspaper…
I agree you shouldn’t believe them immediately however, just saying nobody was so untrusting when the newspapers printed what they liked. Most people haven’t seen the charts and graphs from the uk health ministry, though i bet they;re out there now. My only point from the beginning was that people care less about the charts and doctors direct writings when they like the results. I guess it’s the nature of being human, hence faith, belief etc.

It’s been proven time and again, that big tobacco and big pharmaceuticals have funded doctors, politicians, government entities, and media.

The above statement that I quoted shows beyond any shadow of a doubt that you’re just here to troll, and have no interest in an honest discussion.

I’m done with this person, and their feigned position.

Y’all enjoy the popcorn.


Yup, i can vape to that.

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Making a rat inhale a year of Vapor in one day is not good science at all in my opinion and that’s the kind of “experiments” being carried out which makes their "research"
Null and void, this one will require good old fashioned time, something that they seem to be trying to take from us? Hmm makes you wonder eh…

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And your immediate reaction is to call that person Salty, Butthurt and last but not least Passive Aggressive.
If anyone asks me i would say that your qualities when it comes to hold a discussion on a good level is not quite what they should be.

Play nice and people will play nice with you. Be rude and call people names and they will not treat you with any kind of respect. Thats the way it is.


the thing that’s great about vaping is that juices are adaptable and therefore we have the ability to test and taste safer ingredients if necessary. in this domain problems are more easily overcome and I’m sure they will be.

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“I’m done with this person, and their feigned position”

Translation - I’m mad and he doesn’t agree with me so he is beneath me or a troll, or some other thing that makes it easy to just dismiss him after being rude to him and being surprised why he was a little rude back.

“It’s been proven time and again, that big tobacco and big
pharmaceuticals have funded doctors, politicians, government entities,
and media.”

Which government entities would those be?

Are you blind or biased? You’re saying he wasn’t rude to me first? Funny how you’re directing that comment to me but didn’t do so to him first. Interesting. Responding to rudeness is not the same as initiating it. He IS being salty, passive aggressive and rude. I was not rude to him at all until he decided to lower the conversation and proclaim himself as a member of the vaping Mensa association and start passive aggressively talking s**t.

I wasn’t rude to anyone who disagreed with me, I thought we were having an interesting discussion. Forgive me for not tolerating rudeness, perhaps you’re right though, i should have risen above his level.

As vapers we only want to see facts, not theories, facts that aren’t just common sense, facts that actually prove something worth knowing.

Thanks for the interesting thread



It’s just more of the same bull. This happens when money is put in someones pocket in exchange for an analysis to be less than truthful in order to support an agenda of a particular group or political outcome.

I used to put faith in professional studies but no longer. I don’t trust any type of study unless I do it myself. Any other way of collecting data concerning vaping could end up mostly being lies or made up. I don’t rely on anyone for vaping research because they can be paid for a particular outcome to be found… Not dumb to this any longer so don’t anyone here put any faith in this BS…


Since i am both blind and bias i have a hard time responding to all the things in that post. Sorry, i will try at a later time when my, as i hope, temporary blindness is gone. :smile: :smile:


Ok, when your vision comes back re-read the post before the one you decided was rude, you’ll have a different opinion :wink: Apology accepted :wink:

P.s this was a joke and not in any way intended to anger someone into initiating a full scale hull breach.

NOTE - May cause cancer

pps - When i said biased i simply meant maybe you’re friends as i can’t see how you’d go out of the way to speak to me about etiquette after the post previous to mine. That’s all i meant.


Unrealistic, I couldn’t fit them all on the board.

The fox news article gives so little info. The info it does give is that vaping for 30 mins is equally as bad for the heart as smoking for 5 mins. That in itself says to me vaping is safer than smoking. But still there’s so many questions left unanswered. I’m assuming they did this test on dual vapors/smokers. Did they smoke the cigarette first or vape? Wouldn’t it make more sense to take 24 smokers and 24 vapors to test. Obviously smoking could compound any problems so they might show up after 30 mins of heavy vaping.

With the regulations that have fit the eu it’d be hard to convince me that they are a unbiased source. Also the fact they call out the uk findings specifically sayings there findings were rushed sends up a red flag. Like the eu has no reason to try and discredit the uk right now lol.


My sister has one of those blood pressure meters that measure your heart rate at the same time. When she was still smoking, she always had to wait for about half an hour after a smoke before measuring because the cigarettes would make the blood pressure and heart rate go way up. She’s tested it with vaping, even when she vapes at the same time she’s measuring, there’s no change in either blood pressure or heart rate.
That concurs with other reports I’ve read in the past, where studies were done looking at how the cells of the heart react when people smoke and when people vape. With smoking the heart cells immediately go into stress, vaping didn’t cause any stress whatsoever.
If one of the major brands they’ve used was the vuze, you should well remember that thing contains 48 mg/ml of nicotine and probably a lot of chemicals too.
For the rest I don’t really care what all these so called studies are saying, especially when you look at the stuff they are peddling and are calling safe, as long as there is a huge profit attached to it.
I know how I felt when I was a smoker and I know how I feel right now and that’s all the study I need. If it wasn’t for vaping, I would still be smoking today. Is it completely safe? Probably not, neither is the air we are breathing everyday. I don’t really see them scrambling to improve the air quality out of concern for our safety. Too much profit going on in pollution.
Everything they deem unsafe, like cigarettes, is heavily taxed, so called to discourage further use. They know damn well an addict will pay whatever it takes to get a fix. They just want to put vaping into the same category as smoking so they can put the same amount of tax on it.
Why isn’t there a war on nicotine patches and gum if nicotine is such a disastrous and harmful drug? I can pick them up in every drugstore and they are at floor level, you know, easy to reach for the little ones they’re so concerned about.


OMG…we really need to hear the results of data compiled by the CDC and BATFE.
I will not sleep well until then.
With all of this new information, I am sure if I keep vaping I am going to die in the next 30-40 years.


The way I look at it is “Vaping” is not harmless and anyone who thinks it is is kidding themselves. It’s about harm reduction. 50 years ago the British Royal Academy told the world that cigarettes were harmful, and the US and most other countries ignored them. Now smoking is the scourge of the earth and rightly so. As of earlier this year the British Royal Academy stated that vaping was at least 95% healthier than smoking and look what happened. The EU publishes the TPD the US has the FDA deeming regulations to all but kill vaping as we know it. The federal government has been telling us for decades that one product or the next is going to kill us. From Alar on apples, then eggs were the worst, milk, then red meat, saccharin, high fructose corn syrup, and on and on. Hundreds of scientists looking for the next big “scare” to make a name, and the ones that get hurt are the producers of those products. Vaping is dangerous to the government because it is largely “grass roots” individuals that took an idea and ran with it. That is the kind of thing that used made the USA great, but now the federal government has a monopoly on what we are allowed to do and think. I am not a conspiracy theorist or anything, I’m just old enough to remember when someone could make a million dollars with a “Pet Rock” nowadays the federal government would classify the rock as endangered or a deadly weapon to prevent you from succeeding. The fed is after vaping because they do not control the money and that sadly is all they care about.