New study suggests vaping damages the heart

Exactly and people have been vaping long before it became mainstream, I feel a trillion times better since I stopped smoking.

I have one ill effect from vaping and that’s a little sore throat every now and then but that’s because I chain vape sometimes.

Heart disease can be caused by so many things, obesity, poor diet, alcohol / drug abuse, could even be hereditary but if you vape, well that’s got to be the reason eh…


Nobody gets ill or dies from smoking in the amount of time vaping has been a thing, even before it was mainstream. come on man…the fact you have likes for that comment pretty much says it all :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally have zero intention of stopping vaping, i love it and it likely is way way safer and i won’t be stopping, but the same garbled gibberish present in every other forum regarding new dangers discovered shows that people just can’t accept new information if they don’t like it. Like Carlin said

“We live in a world where if you tell people an invisible man is gonna give you eternal life in the clouds for praying to him then people believe it wholeheartedly, but if you tell people the paint is wet they have to touch it just to make sure”.


show me evidence and I will believe. I just like to make sure my facts are straight before I accept them. I just don’t dive in to believing anything. with smoking we see images and hear people speak about the damage done but we have none of that. if it was a real health problem and this is proven then there would be something to show for it surely ?
in the time that we have been vaping mouths could have been damage and evidence of some of these effects would be around.

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This just in!

Vaping in the rain can cause hypothermia!
Vaping while on fire can cause burns!
Vaping nitro glycerine will melt your insides!

Vaping can be dangerous…

Relive the stress of vaping with a couple of Vicodin, a bottle of vodka and a pack of newports :unamused:


Says who? It’s a fact these kinds of things take time. How early do you think it was before we understood the damage done by ciggies? All I’m saying is people should question EVERYTHING, i notice the community doesn’t have so much vitriol when it reads studies that say it’s safe and not harmful etc. Only threads that threaten peoples feelings when it comes to vaping end up looking like these, with big statements about equipment used and funding and who benefits etc.
That’s my only point. I’m not advocating for anyone to stop.
You asked for evidence, it’s been provided, you want to be in the lab when they do the tests? The evidence is there. They monitored, they saw, they shared, and people said meh…i don’t like it, so you’re wrong.

Strawman. Nobody said go back to something even more harmful, nor did they say quit vaping. I think if the report said “‘may’ cause permanent impotence within 2.5 years” every person would have a different outlook. :stuck_out_tongue:

Incorrect. That is a conspiracy theorist.

Your flawed premise (or at least flawed application of the terms whether you’re actually understanding them correctly or not) is the problem I’m pointing out.

Once proven (as I mentioned before) it’s no longer a theory, but an actual conspiracy. Just because it’s become accepted (by government and society) does NOT negate the fact that it is a conspiracy. In this case, it’s a viable means of population control.

It’s not that I’m “EXTREMELY BIASED” as you imply, it’s because I don’t take everything at face value from every numnut with Internet access that wants to be the next Dick Tracy, or Dan Rather, that I do require looking further into what’s presented.

But you can’t deny that far too many either have an agenda, or don’t fact check, and (I agree with you to a degree) they simply take what’s “reported” as gospel. I don’t, and never will.

Furthermore, you’re not in Reddit here. This group does NOT fall into the same level of “vaping community” that, had you been discussing “general commentors” on YouTube or Reddit, I’d agree.

But the large majority here can, and more importantly DO think for their selves, and it’s that sense of kindred spirit that has led alot of us to find the incredible value of this particular community beyond measure. So don’t be surprised if the majority of opinions are similar, because as a whole, the type of mind (read as: intelligence* level) is far higher cumulatively than what’s exhibited in some other circles.

EDIT: *This has nagged at me for a while, but it was SUCH an infuriating situation at the time, that I (for the longest time) didn’t even want to revisit the thread. However, it’s worth noting that I should have used the word respectful or polite (in place of intelligence level) to better express my thought. My thinking at the time though was two separate combined thoughts, but lumped into a two word outburst. There are some brilliant people on both Reddit, and YouTube. Unfortunately, they’re far outnumbered by jackasses on those two outlets in particular. I still feel ELR is a far superior community as a whole, but had to clear things up a bit.


I would vape more! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Who says that? It’s not true, like anything it can be harmful and unsafe, if done improperly for example, it can be fatal.

It’s common sense, I’m sure we are all taking a calculated risk, one that for the most part is better than our other outcome of death!


seriously where IS @BoyHowdy with the popcorn…


Since he doesn’t show up with the popcorn i will.


You seem very salty and have misread what i said, please read again, i wasn’t stating a fact regarding conspiracy theories, i was being sarcastic and pointing out that a lot of people seem to think that way.
Not exactly sure what you’re talking about regarding reddit, please clarify.This IS a vaping community and seems prone to the same behavior as every other “community” so please explain how it’s different.

" I don’t take everything at face value from every numnut with Internet access that wants to be the next Dick Tracy"

Either do i, which is why i don’t accept your strawman linking tobacco companies trying to get away with shady practices with scientists from well respected government commissions posting their unbiased findings. You seem to be making huge leaps to try and form a ghost of a point.

“So don’t be surprised if the majority of opinions are similar, because
as a whole, the type of mind (read as: intelligence level) is far higher
cumulatively than what’s exhibited in some other circles.”

Spoken like a true narcissist. That’s not what i see at all. I see the same things here i see everywhere else. I’m not sure why you put yourself above other people based on the domain you’re visiting…mixing pre purchased flavors is hardly rocket science. Sounds more like unfounded arrogance to me. I’ve yet to see anything that sets this site apart from all others based on “Intelligence”. In fact a lot of people who post on other sites post here too. What an incredibly arrogant things to say. I don’t mean to be rude, but come on man.

Funny how you say everybody here is smarter and how you dont just accept things yet i don’t see you emanating the same level of deduction and suspicion on posts regarding positive benefits on health via vaping. Can you link me to some of those please? With less butthurt or passive aggressiveness? Just facts to back up you’re as unbiased as you say. :wink:

Saucer of milk, table for two :stuck_out_tongue:

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My point is how do you know they aren’t lying to you to get you to vape? People seem to be happy suggesting big tobacco is doing what it can to do the opposite, there’s vested interest both ways. I don’t believe that, I’m just pointing out the lack of care for studies that confirm wishes.

Starting of with calling someone salty and ending it all saying the same person is butthurt and passive aggressive isnt a good way of keeping this discussion on a good level.

From where i am sitting, i read in butthurt and passive aggressiveness in your response as well so could we please lay that off and keep this at a good level?


3…2…1…Preparing for hull breach

Either is implying someone is a “Numnut” or claiming people who have a different opinion are “smarter” Or suggesting someone has a flawed premise because they may not understand them.

I’m not saying that there are no problems at all with vaping. I still think its massively healthier than smoking because I’m listening to my body. the reason I switched to vaping was to feel better in myself and its achieved that. in this age we get told that eating white bread can harm us. so where do we draw the line?


Agreed. I never said the opposite though, I agree with you. That was never my point. I never meant it to be a pissing contest about whether it’s safer or worth the risk, just posted new evidence. We likely agree on most of what we believe. As i said, i won’t be quitting.

I know what tour saying:
Take your meds and relax.

You linked dailymail and foxnews…

Daily mail will tell you that everything gives you cancer.

Fox News will tell you whatever they’re paid to tell you.

Until I see actual reports with detailed info on how vaping attributed to an illness written up by respected doctors and verified I don’t believe anything they say.

I’m intelligent enough to see how vaping is affecting me, if I feel it’s doing something bad, trust me I’ll stop and re evaluate, for now vape on and be happy!


Until the study is repeated with the same results it is worthless, that goes for every single scientific study ever done. Am i saying that it isnt possible that vaping damages the heart? Nope. Im saying that in order for a study to be valid it requires repetition with the same or near same results.

Objective enough?