OOO flavors

Anyone have notes on Marshmallow Cereal Type (VG) (OOO)? Only one note on the flavor page, and it’s just a recommendation for 5% SF. I’ve searched the forum as well. No mentions I could find. Thanks!

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wish I could help you on the marshmellow, but I can tell you this, the bacon Bacon taste just like bacon, now I am looking for the Tomato Tommato , and the lettuce and the Mayo, already got the bread. BLT coming to you soon !!!

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That sounds great! And instantly made me think of two recipe ideas… Chocolate covered Bacon, and Bacon Pancakes!


I already did a Bacon caramel coconut Doughnut , it is Deliseisosa !!!


OH forgot the picture !!!


Yeahah! That looks tasty!

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actually that is not the picture I’m looking, I took one with a whole dozen with the coconut added to the bacon caramel, i’ll find it somewhere, might be on my phone, duhhh!!!

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