Question About TPA DK Tobacco Base

so I made a recipe with about 8 flavors, 1 at 4%, 2 at 3%, and 4 others at .25%-1%, with the DK Tobacco being at 2%. So at week two the tobacco took a back seat to my caramel and vanilla and it tastes perfect, it was delicious. Now on week 3 the tobacco came back on top and its quite prominent again, it’s not a bad taste but I liked last week’s taste better and am wondering why it would dull and then strengthen.

Any advice appreciated, thank you!


Tobacco takes about a month to really develop so you either have to vape your juice at week two or lower the tobacco.


Re-check it in another week and make notations as you test and re test & re test…Till you achieve what you like.


Thank you thats what I was thinking and stuck in my notes. I said that it could just be one that needs a two week steep.

BTW @whosyourdaddy idk who my daddy is so I’m gonna need you to take a dna test please XD. jk…but seriously. Yea I hope it turns back around next week. I did try it in my twisted messes 2 last week instead of my bonz a that I used this week but I’ve done that plenty of tim es before and I really don’t feel that it’s be changing taste THAT much with what I’m experiencing. THanks for your feedback both of ya!


Don’t make your batches too big then because if you don’t vape it in that time you’ll have the same problem.


Too funny