RDA coil help

@Pugs1970 you are absolutely right.
Just because you won the lottery, and can now afford a Aventador, does not mean
you are qualified to safely drive one…even at regular speeds.

Maybe the greatest flavor I have had comes from the Pro Vapes Deep Water build,
but there is more to it than twisting some wire and screwing it down.
Just because I CAN build down LOOOOOW doesn’t mean that’s what I always vape,
most of it is testing…seeing if it can be done, but you must have the proper and safe
capacities to do so, including the little short distance of major concern, the distance
between your ears.
A very, very good vape can be easily achieved with dual 316L at .22ohms, and on so
many devices available today. But you can do the same thing at .5ohm-.6ohm.
And, on the right [and so many available] device(s), it is really easy to do, Then, you
work on perfecting your wicking skills. The coils are the easy part.

The best way I can explain it to you is:
First, you have to decide which mod and atty you will build for. Is it for MTL or DTL?
Build for a Provari 2.5 has to be at least a 1.1ohm coil, and should be a single coil,
or you would have like two-one inch coils, and what is that gonna fit in? Easy to build
a single coil in a Kayfun V5 for it.
Build for a DripBox 160, use a Velocity V2 atty…easy peasy in TC or wattage. Two
simple easy .5ohm 316L coils and you can fly.

Then you log on steam-engine and input the info you want results for, change it around
until you get what you want…that will fit where you want it. Steam-Engine does all
the thinking for you. You simply have to make sure you follow correctly.

I suggest you using a Coil-Master coil jig V3 or V4 because they are the best, and
so easy to use. Clockwise, counter-clockwise, tight, spaced, pull off a wrap-or two,…
[clapton wire on the V4]

When all of that is done, to be safe, you must have a GOOD ohm tester.
Coil-Master 521TAB is a good one. Pilot Vapes is almost identical.

Bottom line, www.steam-engine.org decides what gauge you want. Capice?

Wasn’t that



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wait…what?..did you…did you just agree with me…??


You can check the Hohn Wrecker G2 spec sheet for yourself

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reading it was easy lol , ty btw , i got a UD coil kit and has a small ohm reader until i make the switch to at 50/50 building my own / stock coils ill have to stick with that ive put a few attys on it and it reads them properly ill upgrade when i put my big boy pants all the way on and make a full commitment right now is a learning phase for me and im not willing to try and learn this too fast just to be safe

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Most of the time, yes. Sometimes you can get away with sparking it but rarely.

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but companies advertise fake shit all the time… do the math on all that and tell me what you get… Now talk to an electrical engineer and have him do the math on that and watch him laugh at you. First of all, why would you want to regulate a near direct short… Anyone trying to say they were able to regulate .007 ohm resistance has an IQ about the diameter of that red hair you’re arcing across… smh.

No need to get personal. For everyones sake edit your post and rewrite it in a better manner.


No, Fenrir that was in reply to this, directed at me up above: Gotta love it. Whether it’s ignorance, arrogance, ego, or simply being young and inexperienced, it’s
getting easier and easier to find more and more people who just regurgitate things they have read
or heard, or thought they did. Maybe it’s just a way to feel like they fit in,etc. , but the instant
condescending and nitpicking is running rampant these days. Harder and harder to find folks that
can think for themselves, or even perform proper research…even when a universe of information
is right at their fingertips. I do believe over half of society is rolling downhill like a snowball
headed for hell.
Some may even wish to put forth the effort and click the link below. I have done the research,
all you would need to do is read…and there are not too many words more complicated than…
[a cat in a hat]. At least try it…it should be simple for most.

I just hadn’t gotten around to replying… Ozo, don’t believe everything you hear on the internet… what I advise you to do, buy one of those boxes and see if you can get it to read .007 or thereabouts and then try to vape on it and tell me about the experience… I’m really intrigued now… :confused:

he criticizes people for regurgitating things they’re seen and heard, and then he does the exact same thing by posting a link to a site trying to sell you a mod that ‘currently holds the record at .007’ like WGAF anyway? Anyone trying to get that microscopic about vaping needs a job and a a life… just saying.

And what the #@%% is that supposed to mean? I’m to inexperienced for a mechanical mod? I wouldn’t know how to use one? You know, Ozo, I’m getting tired of reading all the narcissism in your posts… just saying. You are not God’s gift to vaping, bro… especially if you’re trying to get down below .007 for some stupid-asz reason. Just so you know, I started on a mechanical mod… got tired of it… wanted more control because I change rda’s and tanks frequently and each has a different build depending on what type of vape I want at that time, but bigots and ‘fact checkers’ like yourself don’t care about any of that, you just want to be ‘right’ about that one little tiny bit of minutiae that you found on the interwebs… congrats,bro… you win the interwebs.
You entering the special olympics again this year too, bro? smdh.

I really don’t need to get in the middle of this and don’t need to defend ozo, he is very capable of doing so himself, but I’m bored and feel like this needs to be said.

It seems as though that the guys at HohmTech are pushing the limits of vaping technology. Ozo wants to recreate what they did. Humans have been pushing the limits for ages and will continue to do so. It’s not about getting that microscopic. It’s about pushing the limits.

As far as him getting a job and a life I would be willing to bet he could fill a water tower full of knowledge that would put your thimble full of knowledge into an unnoticeable shadow. He has probably forgot more than you will ever learn and he will be around here well after you have moved on to whatever it is that holds your interest next.

And the Special Olympics comment wasn’t funny at all. In fact it was quite offensive.


Boring, as I started this thread. I get notifications that the thread is getting action. I get excited, then this stuff. Let down.

I know that I’ve done this in the past. So a good lesson. Bit of silver.

Btw I’m impressed by hohmtech I watched the Busardo review then the response then the response -response very interesting. Worth watching if you have interest in it. It’s nearly 3hours in total though.


I am glad to see you possess some intelligence. I do actually own more than one G2, use one daily, and to make you feel better, I do not vape anywhere close to 0.007ohms. However, I do test the limits…of many things in life. Apparently I have tested more than my intentions, and already have the results. [That being your ‘righteous’ zone] I even gave 22 G2 units away as Christmas gifts last week, because I understand the technology they have, and will now have even more input from the new owners, first hand, to [regurgitate] upon myself, and at my own expense.
I do understand you. I have had many similar to you that has applied for a position with my company over the last 35 years. Even if you passed all prior interviews, you sat with me last…and more than once.

I really , truly wish that you could. I would love to discuss something deep. Something , without arrogance or self-importance, and far beyond a chess game.

If humanity walked thru the stages of life with the attitude of “WGAF anyway”, please, maestro, give me a true example of where mankind would be today.

Bwahahaha Where have I heard that cliche before…hmmmm.
For 50+ years before the internet I/we had to think for ourselves without it. I know you won’t
believe this, but we actually had to use slide rule’s…BEFORE there were electronic calculators.
Pencil and paper…really…google it maestro…it really did exist. I would not shit you, Sherlock.

Please explain to all the safety of using a mech , and please, in detail.
Not for me, but for those that read this…now, and in the future.
Help keep all safe, a gesture of humanity so to speak.
In detail, please. From Ohm’s law forward. This forum has no restrictions
on how many characters you post. Prove your ‘experience’ and knowledge…
Let your light shine …this could be your minutes of fame. I support you.

Special olympics ? Glad you mentioned it.
YES, I will be participating, as I have for several decades.
I honestly doubt that you have the intellect to understand my personal
involvement, so I won’t bore you with details, nor would I ever expect
you to even consider making a donation, but I would wager a large sum
that any single participant, of any Special Olympics, has more compassion
for others, for life itself, all life, than you will ever have in your dreams.

Just for clarity, the job seekers saw me the last few interviews because
I own the company, and I want to know who I am surrounded by.
Yeah, sorry, old school shit.

I would entertain you to watch a video. You do that, yes? Watch vids?
If you don’t get it, I understand. I know it’s hard to converse with someone
that already is the King of Vapor Clouds…a Cloud Mutilator as it were.
But please, be humble, and come down closer to Earth for 15 mins…
and give it a go,eh?

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And now: Back to spreading love and knowledge, guys!


Well, that was the point I was trying to make. Using a mechanical mod is a good way to get those .007 and .006 attys to work, hence why the majority of regulator mods have a SAFETY limit of .1 in most cases. I was implying that these ‘awesome’ new mods that do .007 and such are really just pressing the safety envelope and someone is going to get hurt doing it all wrong. The second point I was trying to make is why would anyone need a .007 or less resistance anyway? ‘Just to do it or see if it can be done’ is really just pushing the margins of safety or trying to one-up ‘the record’ eitherway it’s dangerous and a waste of time in my opinion…that’s all. I appreciate the rational reply, I just don’t necessarily agree.

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I watched it and I get it and all but I don’t really see what difference it makes unless you’re implying that you, too, are born WELL before 84, that is… and if so, then I erred if I implied that you were a millennial. Also, for what it’s worth, I withdraw the Special Olympics remark if you donate heavily or have a special family member… my bad.

As for Ohm’s law, it’s been quite a while since I was a component-level radio tech for the Marines but from what I recall (and what I’ve been going off of since about 2009 when I started vaping regularly), it states that the current passing through a conductor is proportional to the voltage over the resistance. So, applying that to drip vaping or RDTA and Tanks that use internal coils and wicking, we know that if we are applying x watts into y ohms of resistance, we are pulling z number of volts. Taking it one step further, if you have .007 ohms of resistance and you’re applying 45 watts (4.5 volts at 10 amps if you’re using regular batteries) Is that safe? Maybe for the coil… maybe for the math, but how about the battery(ies)? I mean, it’s one thing to take the math and tweak it to find values that work, which is why I don’t use tanks… the cotton wicks too slowly and they run on low wattage or within a certain range therein. RDTA’s are a bit better but still don’t deliver the clouds like a good ol’ RDA. I’m not trying to be high and mighty, I’m merely pointing out that all these fabulous 8 coil builds and super sub ohm displays are really cool and push the envelopes of the range of function of the devices, but the majority of it is not practical for daily use. I’ve bought over 15 different RDA’s over the last 5 or 6 years looking for ‘the one’ and for now I’ve settled on my Kennedy 25 and fused claptons on 71 or so Watts, .26ohms… on a RX200 it uses 4.3v… I’ve found, though, that the lower you go, the hotter the batteries get and more quickly too, which is dangerous and could leak, burn or even explode… so I’ve heard… I’ve actually seen a battery ‘fizzing out’ and it looked like something you wouldn’t want in your hand… anyway, do what you wanna do, just be careful. Sorry to bark out at ya…tryin to turn over a new leaf and not be a jerk to people … not a good start.

Happy New Year


Oh my days, Ohms Law is cool & needed even when you get pre built coils in a new mod.

I digress, I got a V8 Baby RDA and if it wasn’t for my Ohm reader I would have blown the crap out of my face & my hands.

Anyway, stock coils on the RDTA BOX are sweet, just like an RDA, flavour, clouds, mines on 80w at the moment & with a 12.8 juice capacity & interchangeable IMC Combo’s ya laughing.

The RDTA Box didn’t come with the RDA add on although you can get all of these separately, just ordered the IMC-2 (goon style), as the standard box comes with the standard velocity deck IMC-3.

Check it… :smile:

Nice Vape.

Stock wraps that came with the device, Ohm at 0.17.

And I been vaping on this thing since yesterday at 80w.

Looking forward to sticking some parallels in there and just ordered some 24/30 A1 Claptons.

This thing is highly recommended and great for builders first time or not, you got space, just don’t get the IMC-7.

The 8 or 9 are supposed to be the best for postless but het that’s subjective especially if you already got the iJoy Limitless Classic Edition.

Here’s the current list of IMC decks not including postless…

Have fun building :grinning:
And stay safe.