Real Flavors Super Concentrates Tasting Notes (Part 1)

I have a 3% tester of this that has steeped a week and I really like it but I haven’t ate the cereal in decades to know how on point it truly is.


Had to take a break due to dental surgery, which does NOT allow for flavor testing. Have a crap load steeped @ 2 weeks and gotta start chipping away at them.

Peach SC 2.5% (4-29-17) – 2 weeks steeped and this one is a very fullfilling vape. Strength, sweetness, fullness all very good. To my broken down olfactory senses I’m not truly getting a Peach, it’s more of a fruit-ish pie filling. Smelling it I think it has more Peach, but vaping it just seems like a good fruit pie filling. My current fav. peach is TPA Juicy Peach and although mixing it @ higher percentages, is SMACKS you with a Peach brick to the face. This one is just seemingly more of a nice fruit-ish pie filling. Might even resemble apple to some degree. Sure to be a solid mixer, but as a stand alone Peach, giving it a 6/10.


Condensed Milk SC 2.5% (4-29-17) – 2 week steep and this one beat me with a condensed milk hammer the moment I started testing it !!! WOW, this is a damned good CM. I’ve never really tried using CM, but I could see doing it now. Very good smooth, creamy, sweet mix here. Outstanding taste, mouthfeel, and vape. I have no choice other than to give this a 10/10, and may be my 2nd favorite right behind my beloved French Toast v.1.

11 minutes later ------ MAN this one is good !!!


With only a 2 week steep that one will develop a little more - it is hella strong in a mix I would say dont go over .4 - .6 or you will have a condensed milk vape (and while nice it may not be the vape you are looking for)


Hehe HELLA STRONG seems about right on this one @woftam. I have to say, having a hard time putting this one down, and I have a shit ton more to get through here.


Butter Crisp SC 2.5% (4-29-17) – Another 2 week steeper and another HIT for Real Flavors. Having JUST finished tested the condensed milk (wow, that’s a TOUGH act to follow), this one is also very good. The butterfinger/butter crisp flavors come through quite nicely, with nothing overpowering, but a very buttery, crispy, slight chocolately mix. Nice and rich, without any off notes, or issues. I have never vaped a butter crisp (butterfingers) flavor before, but this one sure tastes good, and accurate. Chocolate is VERY hard to get right, and although it’s not the main flavor here, what they came up with is very nice. Very solid 9/10, with maybe only 1 taken off, JUST because it didn’t hit me QUITE as hard as the CM did, but a very good flavor.


Am going to try and push out a few more today, but don’t want to blow out my dental stitches (yes, they DO suck) while doing so. I’m still VERY afraid to try my original Cheesecake after sniffing it, but that’s MY fault, for mixing it @ 2.5%. As many of you above ^^^ have posted, we need to post it ALL. Good, bad, great, sucky, just post it all. If we DON’T do that, then what’s the point.


oh 2.5 will smell and taste like a laundry basket - dont vape it it will spoil your taste for ever lol

That one is another strong one - in a mix .5 with 1.2 sweet cream and 1% graham is a good cheese cake base


^^ I second that, and I mixed it at 2%


Hehe, I just have to make sure that I take credit for MY screwups, and not blame Real Flavors for it. I will try and cut it waaay down, to maybe 0.5% and let it re steep for a bit. It is a SCARY smelling bottle @ 2.5%. :open_mouth:


As an sf it is very heavy on the cream cheese it needs a little help to make it a good cheesecake flav but it is a good flav.


Blueberry Pastry SC 2.5% (4-29-17) – 2 weeks steep this is DEF. a blueberry mix. Gave the RF SC BB 10/10, and this one is different but not that much. Still has the real juicy blueberry flavor, with something else. It’s not screaming “Hey, I’m pastry”, but is seems to have that effect. I think people’s perspective on “pastry” can vary wildly and I’m no different. Def. NOT a more obvious INW biscuit, or TPA pie crust, but much more subtle. Overall mix is very good, nothing fake, or overpowering, just not getting as much pastry as I would like, and will go 7/10 for that reason alone. Great flavor, just not getting enough pastry.


DONT taste that , do not vape that , i swear to you its too high , just dump it and start over low , i did mine at 2pct and it was the worst thing ever obviously it wasnt because the flavor was bad just way too high so beware


Hehe, roger that. Through pain and suffering comes wisdom.


lo @SessionDrummer really liking your feed backs on these flavors. btw have you tried the V1 of Bread Pudding as of yet? I mixed at 3% just over a week ago, although I am tasting the vape, seems abit weak to me (although my taste buds may be a bit out of wack right now, seems most things are tasting about the same).

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@CallMeTut thank you very much. I was hesitant to post any reviews, because I’m not a flavor tester tester, just a vaper that vapes a LOT !!! Sure it can be a PITA to mix all this stuff up, bottle, tag, steep, test, dry burn, cotton, test, etc. but hopefully some of the info will help a few out there. Really hard though as everyone’s tastes are different, but, I continue, none the less.

I did test the v.1 Bread Pudding, here’s my old notes…

Bread Pudding SC 2.5% (4-20-17) – After 2.5 week steep this one was an overall even, sweet mix. Wasn’t really getting much bread pudding, and no real standout flavors. Hard to nail down what it takes like. Could have been bread pudding, but not clearly so. Could probably see this as a mixer/base. Doesn’t mean it was bad, but takeaway wasn’t a “OMG, this is bread pudding” is all. As a bread pudding after 2.5 weeks @ 2.5%, would have to go with a 6/10.


nods, didn’t know if ya had played with it after that…
I’d agree that even at 3% it seems weak as a SF juice, but that is perfectly okay, the VG version I’m using at between 10 and 11% if I need to push my SC version up to even 5% it wouldn’t bother me a bit.

That quote seems pretty silly imho… you vape which gives you an official opinion on if you like what your vaping or not, good or bad (on what you’ve vaped)… you may be told that you might not of liked something because the percentage was too high or low, but even then, it’s you vaping it… the percentage may have been just right FOR YOU and ya still didn’t like it. I just don’t read one persons posts, cause like ya said we are all different.
As I’ve posted a few times… I can’t touch Coconut extra… it’s just a killer for me, but I see it in tons of mixes, so obviously others like it lol


thats the truth


im with you on the coconut extra , i started to use capella and still not that great , RFSC however is a good one imo im still playing with it but it seems to not have that plastic artificial taste


Knocking these down on the SC RDTA v1.

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