The Clapton Tool

Make 1 Clapton wire (8-12 inches)

Fold the Clapton wire in half so they are parallel to one another and squeeze the folder end together with pliers.

Insert the opposite end into the drill chuck .

Wrap with a high gauge wire like you would a normal Clapton.

Make sure to use less tension on the wire you’re using to wrap the Clapton.
Also there may be some slight twisting of the end product, but it can easily untwisted by hand and when wrapping the coil.


That’s kinda meta. Claptonning a clapton :smile:


I’ve learned to make 3 types of Clapton wire. check these out. I’m working on a parallel 2 different gauges of wire on 1 Clapton wire.

Also couple coils I’ve been working on.

The first coil (a chimney coil) is for the lemo 2 when it arrive.


Parallel wrapped Clapton, 28g & 32g kanthal. I never seen this b4, but I’m sure somebody has done it. I’m tagging it Paraclap.


Can u get a closer pic I really wanna see the detail in that artwork??? It’s effing sweet!!!

That’s as good as I can get it. I did make a couple coils maybe more detail in those. 30g and 28g also 28g 32g.

Not perfect but I will get there. Once I perfect it I will post a how to. Looks like mummy wraps.

A matching pair ready to mount. 32g/28g kanthal in parallel over 24g nicrome 60, 2mm ID.


WOW really cool!!!

What kind of ohm reading are you getting on those two with the 7/8 wrap on 2mm?

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Its reading .37, My next 1 I’m gonna try 317L core. I’d like to get less than .2.


I’m sorry, I have not messed with claptons, you did mean as a dual, correct? .74 each is along the line I was going to try on my kayfun.

yep, the one mounted.

Those are some pretty big coils. I don’t know if one would fit. Maybe all kanthal on a 1.5 ID and maybe 6 wraps.

Maybe, right now it’s holding nichrome 24g 6 wraps around 3mm, showing .4 on my sigelei. I’m wanting to raise it a bit and go mech.

That’s why I was thinking all kanthal. Those coils I made is probably 20g or lower and nichrome is such a high resistance wire. it’ll be hard to get that above .5. If you straighten 28g wire you can wrap claptons on those too. Just ease up on the tension a bit.

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I’ve spent the past 12 hours of my days of dicking about with wire killed 100m of 32g kanthal

All to go in the bin :sob:

Ramp up times on everything I was doing was just ridiculous :sob::sob::sob::sob:

It’s ashame cos my twisted messes RDA arrived today and I put a dual Clapton in, lovely
Then tried something mega, fucked it
Tried 4 more builds and everyone sucked


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Sometimes you just gotta throw on a 1.5 ohm micro coil wih 28 g kanthal and enjoy the simplicity and satisfying vape …no need to go subohm all the time


Sorry bub, but I do. No satisfaction in that for me.


Ya but your the coil master of e liquid forum ! I’m talking about us regular folks haha


Now that was funny. :blush:

This build will require about 21-25W of power for a proper flavour development, it won’t heat up evenly and will slowly burn the cotton in the centre, ramp up time will be noticeable. The best resistance range for single 28g micro coils is 0.9 to 1.2 ohms (: