The spice must flow…
Funny, tools are the things I get most excited about. There is nothing like having the right tool for the job. One of my most treasured tools is a set of precision drivers. Nothing like a good solid fit on a Philips head screw. I cringe when a screw driver tries to climb out of the the slots.
Probably the best all time bit from South Park!
Kinda vape mail? Eciggity Retail store. Same prices as the warehouse but I got hooked up with a bunch of free stuff. Picked up a CapStone RDA, some COTN and a Drop Solo.
Bobblehead For The Win !!!
Ok then, Get to it!!! Always interested in a good regulated tube.
Got myself a wotofo profile. (Or 2)
The flavour is incredible, blows everything else i got away.
Ps forgive my dodgy slightly burnt wick.
But it still tastes great so not changing it yet.
It looks like COTN is the same material used in mops. I wonder if you can buy a mop cheaper?
It is actually some pretty good stuff. Great for wicking on the go. No fluffing and they juice up fast.
I will have to try it. Even if I have a life time supply of cotton pads I must have paid $8 bucks for.
Same here. That on top of a ton of rayon and hemp.
These are handy if you are in a hurry or have trouble wicking.
same here, have boat load of pads, and various cotton types, but COTN is great and $$$, but it just works so damn good!!