What is Flavorah up to?

Trust me I would never attempt it.

She managed to catch my oldest hobby and my newest hobby all in the same pic.


I immediately was drawn to her pic too ! I like to target shoot. Don’t hunt or anything.
And of course I love to vape :kissing_heart::dash:


Hmm, that honey is of some serious interest to me. I have different honeys from all over the world, its one of my weird glitches. Let us know how it is!


We have a thread about this topic, but things went a little left and it just faded away. Many of us share the same passion. You can view our pics and comments here.


I have been checking these flavors out on their website…I see they contain Ethyl Alcohol…I have not mixed with Alcohol based flavors before…How do you guys get rid of the alcohol from mix-to-vape?..Are there any special procedures for removing the alcohol?..Or do you leave the alcohol in and vape that too?..Or does it evaporate during steeping ?..and how do you facilitate that?..Any input will be appreciated, as they do look interesting, and judging from you guys conversation, you really seem excited about them…I would love to share in that excitement, but would like to know what to expect in dealing with the alcohol…Respectfully


No more of these that get used in a recipe (percentage wise) there’s really very little alcohol to deal with. Most will mix at very low percentages such as 1-3%. Most flavor brands with alcohol can be rid of noticeable traces by allowing the juice to sit uncapped overnight after mixing.


Yup… what that @SthrnMixer guy said… Just BREATHE it. :smile:


Keep in mind that only a few of the extracts contain alcohol, they use HFC extraction which almost certainty is done with R134a refrigerant. First they desiccate using a desiccant (silica or the likes), then Lyophilization (dry freezing) and lastly HFC extraction. Here is a list of extracts with alcohol:

Ingredient: genuine flavor extract*

*Apricot, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Orange and Rum
flavors require additional alcohol extraction and may contain up to 5%
residual grain alcohol.


how do I go about obtaining these flavors? I dont even see the new flavors on their website …

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He said in the letter he just got done bottling them and should be releasing them for sale around Christmas. Keep checking, I’m sure they’ll be out soon. :smile:


im sad i missed out on the initial care package. i love flavorah flavors.

Haha I’m with @quitter1 I’m down to be a test dummy. Ya that honey sounds like a good addition. I just went with a few cap flavors for the ability to use my PayPal. Def gotta up my stash after the holidays, keep us posted on the new flavs!

Flavorah takes PayPal !! :smile:

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Damn all this time was under the impression that was European, figured shipping costs $$… Tbh I don’t even remember setting a PayPal up they just sent me an email last month saying I had to use before new year or they’d just close it. Had to reup the NY cheesecake and grab some v custard tho, so works out. Do need some flavorah in the stash tho, def after the holidays. That rich cinnamons been on my list since I joined ELR haha


For those who have used the FLV Honey Bee… Exactly how long does it take for the floral note to dissipate with this flavor (or does it dissipate). Mixed Honey Bee at .5 % and after a week, it still vapes like I have roses crammed up both nostrils? :triumph:

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I mixed it at .75% with .5% FA Honey and I don’t get a floral note. But my taste buds are a tad weak.

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It’s STRONG, fer shur. I don’t know if it ever dissapates, but I’ll check one I mixed back at the end of December when I get home and see how it’s doing. Mixed @ 0.25%

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My mix with the 0.25% Honey Bee has turned out very very nicely. Not ‘perfumey’ anymore at all.

Happy Tears

1.5% Cream (Flavorah)
1.25% Godfather (INAWERA)
0.25% Honey Bee (Flavorah)
1% Italian Cream (Hangsen)
1% Vienna Cream (FA)

Flavor total: 5%
Remember to rate it at: http://tjek.nu/r/2ZN5


Too weird! :scream: I was using Godfather and Honey Bee in that tobacco mix which said was too floral! I remixed that one earlier today and omitted the Honey Bee. :triumph: I just can’t handle anything floral, whatsoever, in my tobaccos. :wink: I’ll have to drop back to using FA Honey; it has no floral note to me.

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yeah… I’m with you on the floral stuff. Gives me a headache.

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