No off putting flavors at all. So much better than cotton!
I’ll have to try it… but I recently found this and I LOVE it! I’ve used Cotton Bacon and it’s ok, tried Japanese organic and I don’t like it at all, then while bwaiting for my bacon to get here I decided to try this and Wow! I really really like it… it’s hard to describe but it absorbs so much better and it kind fluffs out and you need less than you think. Great flavor, the bags are a little small but all 3- $10 free shipping and that’s same as 2 CB maybe less but I’d say 1 bag is equivalent to one bag of CB or real close so prices very comparable and it was shipped immediately. I don’t know how to do links yet, took me 4-5 months to find the fkn forum …duh ikr? I’m a dumbass sometimes
… anyway everyone knows how to get to eBay that’s where I got it. It’s called Texas Tuff Quick Wix, TexasTuff, Juicy Wix… says on pkg it’s high heat resistance, highly absorbing, sterilized and organic… IMG_0176|666x500`_
Thanks for the info.
Alright so i got my Cellucotton rayon in the mail and the hairdresser neck-wool 100% viscose. And i can confirm they are the same thing. This makes it alot easier to find “Rayon” in europe.
Some translations
Dutch: Lontwatten, kapperswatten,strookwatten, salonwatten Nl example
French: coton mèche FR example
German: watteschnur DE example
I did some reading up on it and viscose seems to be a type of rayon. The “original” rayon was much more prone to burning than viscose so I’m pretty sure ALL rayon that is used for vaping is Viscose Rayon.
Thx for the info and your probably right.
I just wanted to post in here since i’ve seen other eu vapors wanting to try out Rayon. But the only brand you see used is cellucotton and that is not easily available here. So i ordered some and what i thought was the same thing. Now after a week of side by side testing i’m sure i was right. So this should make it easier and cheaper for eu vapors to try it out if they want too.
There are actually quite a few but like you said, it’s not as easy to find it. Everybody (in the US) is always going on about CelluColtton and it’s difficult and expensive to ship a box over to Europe.
I once ordered from Finland (to UK), found a guy who sold some by the meter on ebay. I think I paid about 14€ for it.
Found out it’s not really my thing though, I can’t get rid of the rayon flavor
ATM I’m waiting on a sample of hemp from therabidweasel to see how that goes and if it works, the quest begins again because I have no clue where to get that stuff in Europe lol
Think i used the same guy, i aswell ordered on ebay and it came from finland (vacuum packed). But then if u see what i got for 13€ shipped local WOW i can wick with rayon for decades now.
Yeah, must be the same guy
So how is rayon working out for you? Liking it?
seems to be okay maybe a little muted flavor.
For hemp you might try supplies for spinners (making wool). example
I get this too but if you’re reading up on it, rayon is supposed to give “THE BEST” flavor, very crisp and that’s what I don’t get.
People say it probably has to do with the way I’m wicking it but I’ve tried to stuff it, just fill the coil, snip the tails, and so on. Every suggestion in the book and I’m still getting it.
I’ve tried a dozen times or so and just once I got it right, I have to say I was impressed but it’s not a result I can replicate. I’m just using Koh Gen Doh right now. The flavor’s good but I find it scorches a little too fast so I’m up to try new things.
Same as with rayon, people go on and on about hemp and how the flavor is so great and the wick seems to last longer than the coil. So I gotta give it a go right?
Hahaha i know, just do it in the name of science
SO im trying to buy some of this stuff in the UK but reading conflicting information when I search for it.
So far I have found the following.
This looks to be the stuff people arebuying in the US
And then this…
Which appears to be 100% cotton?
The stuff from vapourdirect seems expensive if i can just get the neck wool.
There are a few links for it in the U.K. In this thread, it looks like you should look for viscous in the U.K.
I can only see 1 link for creme de vape that looks to be the same as demon vapes and same price. When i look for viscose it just brings back clothes.
CelluCotton has 2 different products that look alike. 1 is viscose rayon, the other is 100% cotton. Don’t confuse them, they’re definitely not the same.
That ebay link is definitely 100% COTTON, not rayon.
Yeah i was reading that on another forum but still struggling to buy in bulk in uk