Wish my loving Wifey luck

That was me when I worked in a warehouse, usually loading assorted packages (often really heavy ones) onto trailers, and having to keep up with an insanely fast conveyor.

I used to wonder why one cheeky line manager kept telling me to wash my hair, even 2-3 hours after I last washed it! until I twigged that the idiot was mistaking the sweat for grease
At least I was OK on those icy winter nights, when i failed get a lift. I’d be so overheated from the night’s exertion , I’d be warm as toast all the way home (about four miles, at a smail’s pace, being far too worn out to walk brisky)

I think the menopause was prolly to blame for me sweating more profusely than my workmates (though they really did work us like slaves) . But somehow, I doubt that’s quite the right explanation for you and @paingawd :laughing:


The biggest slave driver some of us encounter is ourselves. Wifey is constantly asking why didn’t you just stop and finish tomorrow? Response is always the same. I had to get it done so I do tomorrows work tomorrow. When she promptly reminds me I only have to do what I want. To which I always reply I want it all done NOW!!!


My turn to jump on the sympathy train. Gotta see the Dr about my knee this morning. He already told me I need a full replacement, but now to see if I can wait till after the first of the year and we change to “real” insurance this humana shit sucks


cute huh

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WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!?!?!?!?!? That looks very much not fun! Here’s to hoping they can push the impending replacement back a couple of months. There is one small glimmer of good in there tho-Every person that I’ve known that’s had a knee replacement done has: 1) Been completely happy after it was all over, and ; 2) Sorry that they hadn’t had it done sooner.


Our grandma dog went out into the back yard and wouldn’t come up, she was very old and not feeling well. I think she went out to die in her mind. Anyway I stepped on a rotting wet Blackberry leaf on the patio in the rain. My left foot started to slide forward and I tried with all my might to stop but ended up doing the splits, about half way down the knee hyperextended, I’d already messed it up once many years ago and it’s never been even close to 100% since then but back in 1990 replacements weren’t as good or as easy as now. but anyway by the time I was on the ground I for the first time in my life was doing the splits completely. one leg behind me one infront. tore the MCL and probably finished off the meniscus as well it was only 20% there anyway. More than likely re reputered the patella capsul. Pretty sure it’s now gone by the feel of it. Sweet way to spend a rainy weekend laying in bed trying not to move. Dr Ordered a brace and an MRI it’ll take the insurance two or three weeks to appove them Humana sucks so bad.