20-22 people linked to health related vaping problems:

WARNING: Unction junction. Vaping may cause one to become rapidly surrounded by furiously gesticulating self-righteously catastrophizing numb-noggin nimrods intent on saving you from yourself (and all pleasures) while in the course of their emptying one’s bank account on egregious sin-taxes and mandatory “therapy” for mental “disease”. From festooned militaresque bozos burning the midnight BS oil at the illustrious Foods are Drugs Administry, the soon to be future of vaping agitprop:

Source: https://www.newser.com/story/279237/fda-wants-to-add-grisly-cigarette-warning-labels.html


Heheh we have had them here for years strangely they don’t prompt people to stop smoking. Those are tame compared to the ones here.

It did provide a boost for companies selling cigarette cases - there is an opportunity for you to get in on the ground floor.


WARNING: The reason that they want to keep you breathing is because Doctors Cause Bankruptcy in US.

Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/04/93/8f049356ba69b3bbb68f1a0ab6a46780.jpg


Collectibles… Gotta catch em all!


These are k2/spice carts these people are getting off the street. The equivalent to Vaping the liquid in your Glade air freshener. There has been numerous health issues with smoking and inhaling these chemicals.


Washington Post (August 16, 2019):
CDC officials said they were probing 94 possible cases in 14 states. … Health officials have said patients have described vaping a variety of substances, including nicotine, marijuana-based products and do-it-yourself “home brews.”

State of New York Department of Health - Health Advisory:
Unexplained Vaping-associated Pulmonary Illness (August 15, 2019):
Chest radiographs have demonstrated bilateral opacities, typically in the lower lobes.
Computed tomography (CT) imaging of the chest has shown diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities, often with subpleural sparing. Bronchoscopy findings have been unremarkable, and evaluation for infectious etiologies have been negative in nearly all patients.


Ground-glass opacification/opacity (GGO) is a descriptive term referring to an area of increased attenuation in the lung on computed tomography (CT) with preserved bronchial and vascular markings. It is a non-specific sign with a wide etiology including infection, chronic interstitial disease and acute alveolar disease.

Reading on at the above-linked web-page to see how entirely non-specific this radiological indication is:

Subpleural sparing in thoracic radiology is a imaging descriptor usually used on cross sectional imaging (mainly CT) where the pathology that affects the lungs spares the extreme peripheral lung margin abutting the pleura - chest wall. It can be seen in a number of situations:

Non specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP): often considered a very specific feature for NSIP

Non-specific interstitial pneumonia. Associations. Primarily idiopathic (relating to or denoting any disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown) but the morphological pattern can be seen in association with a number of conditions:

Drug-induced lung disease can result from a number of agents and may have a myriad of presentations, ranging from an adult respiratory distress syndrome type picture to established pulmonary fibrosis. Due to this, it can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the offending agent on imaging appearances alone and correlation with the medical history is mandatory. Etiology: Chemotherapy agents; Immunosuppressive agents; Immunotherapy agents; Cardiovascular agents; Antibiotic agents; Anti-inflammatory agents; Anticonvulsants; Herbacides (ie, Paraquat);

Recreational drugs:
IV methylphenidate (Ritalin lung): panacinar emphysema
IV heroin 6: pulmonary edema, pulmonary hemorrhage, eosinophilic pneumonia
IV cocaine: pulmonary edema

The incidence to date (of ~100 cases in ~10 Million people reported to be vaping in the US) of these non-specific indications represents ~ 1 person per 100,000 (of vaping population). That is a very small number (especially considering that the symptoms and indications reported can/do result from so many various and diverse causative factors). No epidemiologist in their right mind would leap to such sweeping “conclusions”.

Time for (what is clearly) a largely “press” manufactured “crisis” portraying the “doctors” as heroic and saintly figures in return for stomping all over common sense surrounding medical diagnosis in hopes of engendering and globally delivering mass hysteria. This is the very same modus operandi that has been used for several years to without legitimate bases in medical science or ethics to demonize, indict, and defame persons (physicians as well as patients) associated with pharmaceutical Opioid meds, withholding relief from millions of pain patients (with hundreds committing suicide as a result), and (itself) spawning, engendering, and sustaining a vast and exponentially growing number of fatalities from illicit street-drug garbage containing Fentanyl (and analogs). The “Iron law of prohibition” in action - yet again leading to far more harm than would be the case in the absence of such ill-posed, demonstrably harmful interventions.


Warning this article is especially misleading. Enjoy


this is what was recently brought to my attention and I ended up commenting on it on the new site as well as on the Facebook thing. I basically explained traditional vaping as the propylene glycol vegetable glycerin flavoring and nicotine. And I made a heavy point about idiots adding different drugs that make it very harmful. I couldn’t believe the Venom and fear-mongering that was going on in the comments. But, vaping has only been popular in the US for 10 to 15 years and there is a severe lack of data and studies to prove for or against vaping. it really does suck, but eventually the US will catch up and vapers can have a sigh of relief knowing that there isn’t such a stigma. Not that I personally care about the stigma, but it would be cool to hear less hate speech about it.


omhfl… Are you KIDDING me?? They’re sticking time released fentanyl in pods, inhaling it directly into lung tissue, and somehow its the fault of the vaping tech?? Jeezum crow. That’s like like some new school Reefer Madness bull-puckey, right there.

You know, I love how when people OD from injecting heroin, noone ever blames the damn syringe.


I have been vaping for seven years. I mix my juice an use Innokin products because the company has been around a while. I have also used liquid from a few vendors that I know from FB. I’m 71, my husband never quit and he died in December of 2017.


I am sorry for your loss @Italian48Vaper . I like to think of how many lives would have been greatly extended if vaping came into the mainstream in the 40’s or 50’s.


My bet is on a couple of different things going on. Not that I know firsthand, but extracts from marijuana typically require some type of fatty material to work…thus the whole pot butter or olive oil etc…wouldn’t surprise me if the drugs are extracted into oils that are then put either directly or diluted into pods. If you look around here somewhere, there’s a table of LorAnn flavors that are “safe” and “unsafe”. Those that are not ok were oils. As i understand it, aerosolized oils. In the lungs create some pretty nasty effects, including those mentioned in these articles. Wouldn’t surprise me if the mixes also had grocery store bought (cheap) oil based flavors that get added to the pods too…I sure as hell hope this doesn’t drive to a no refillable anything, disposable sealed Vapes only maneuver…


The media outlets that are actually reporting some resemblance of the truth are saying it was ‘spice’ & from what I understand that is some form of synthetic THC!?!


Welcome Phroggy.

Yep, that sounds more believable. I once, foolishly, consumed a very small amount of “spice”. I reacted very badly and I believe it brought me close to death. I am a hardened pot smoker and synthetics are nothing like weed, very dangerous IMO.


It’s not unclear to me!

Unlike many here, Obviously these individuals failed to take safety precautions and did not daily ingest any “oh so tasty” Bear Fat. :yum:

As with other safety conscious vapers, I get mine from Ebay…


(from the listing)
" Indications for use:

“Diseases of the respiratory system - the common cold, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia;”


Didn’t know this was “a thing”.
I’m one of those “no-fat-on-the-steak please”, type of people so…no thanks::laughing: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Perhaps it’s only for the Ultra heath conscious? :grinning:

“Bear Fat…it’s not just for your boots anymore”


The worst part is these pods were provided to area drug dealers from a government agent to cause these kids to get as sick as they are. They knew what was going to happen and that it would be more leverage they can use to help sway public opinion toward a vape ban. The states are losing tens of millions of dollars due to the drop in tobacco revenues. Before vaping all the options to quit smoking were never more successful than the rate of new smokers so they knew would always be getting at least the same amount from the tobacco revenue. They started to depend on that money and spending it before they had it. That’s the problem vaping is causing them and the biggest losers are California and Illinois which is why they are the most aggressive lobbying for a vaping ban. It’s messed up but I think most adults are aware of the terrible things are government has done in the past and continues to do, and remember that’s only what we are aware of. I’m not a 9/11 denier and I don’t have a tinfoil hat but if everyone knew the things our government has done there would be mass outrage and rioting in the streets. Truth be told they gave the tainted cartridges to Illlinois drug dealers in hopes it would have been centered in that state but it ended up in Wisconsin which is that big of deal, the damage to vaping has still been done. I just hope enough people know the virtues of vaping and the lives it has saved and continues to save when it comes time to vote. I will likely disappear for calling this out and all I can say is I regret I have but one life to give for this cause and I know this will never come to light but I hope they don’t succeed not just for all of you but for the many lives vaping will continue to save if vaping remains legal and unmolested by our government.


Emblematic of the theatrical (rhetorical) “ambulance chasing” eagerness of the CDC - and with assent and assistance of the breathless, brainless, click-bait “press” - note how early-on the CDC saw an opportunity to poke their vainglorious festooned snouts into these “murky blips”. The CDC is largely a ruthless political tool.
(CDC: August 2, 2019):
CDC Urges Clinicians to Report Possible Cases of Unexplained Vaping-associated Pulmonary Illness to their State/Local Health Department

Speaking of chemical-statist totalitarian regimes, also consider (possible) Russian troll agitprop activities:
(Sputnik News: August 20, 2019):
94 Cases of Severe Lung Disease Are Suspected to Be Linked to Vaping Oil
(Sputnik News: August 22, 2019):
‘Vaping’ Damages Arteries And Blood Vessels Even Without Nicotine, Study Finds

It seems perhaps a tad ironic (if not hypocritical) to - with virtually little or no specific information available - eagerly scapegoat and revile people who utilize substances of largely unknown physiological effects in the course of self-administering mood-altering agents, when there is nothing particularly “sacred” about Nicotine and very little or no assurances that components of e-juices are themselves (necessarily) much less “dicey”

Man makes holy what he believes as he makes beautiful what he loves.
- Ernest Renan


Once politicized, science dies. Constant reiteration of echoaelic propaganda works. This is the fact that now determines history.