Many (may) recognize the classic adage, “98% of the attorneys are giving the other 2% a bad name”.
This perhaps non-fallacious “association” seems for some to have become an empirically earned one.
The moral liability resting with those who unknowingly (or perhaps recklessly) chose to use Vitamin E Oil in formulating the (THC delivering) goods. This situation represents a stellar opportunity for the generation of (US gov) agitprop - as the distinction that (we hope) exists between the active ingredient being Nicotine (and some flavorings simultaneously under inquisition) as compared to THC is easily and conveniently obscured.
“Association by Amorphous Relation” - clearly a click-bait “press” (and consuming populace) fashion-rage.
Who are the same people selling heroin, cocaine, meth, etc in the first place. So let’s not kid ourselves trying to believe that drug dealers have some moral compass. And not the point I was making anyway. This is a legitimate weapon that vape-haters can now use as a club to beat folks over the head with in their never-ending quest to kill our hobby (and valid smoking cessation vehicle).
I apologize for not forming higher value Scrabble words for making my point, like you are wont to do. (That’s not a slight on you by the way. My pop always told me a strong vocabulary is one of the best tools you can have in your box, and I’ve always taken that to heart).
One cannot engage in academic debate when factual discernment is not “the currency of the kingdom”.
He that knows least commonly presumes most.
-Thomas Fuller
Nothing is so firmly believed, as what we least know.
We are so constituted that we believe the most incredible things;
and once they are engraved upon the memory,
woe to him who would endeavor to erase them.
Faith, fanatic Faith, once wedded fast
to some dear falsehood, hugs it to the last.
-Thomas Moore
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatsoever that it is not utterly absurd.
-Bertrand Russell
NPR did a 10-15 second headline today that actually had the right story. No vape scare mongering, all about elicit non-regulated THC type products, sorry that was an awful paraphrase! But, the truth is circulating!
Nice pun ! Yes, it sounds like quite a “den of inequities” when the public juice seems to lack cognitive clarity differentiating between “saints”/“sinners” seems at best quite missable in solutions for ritualized oxen-goring
I am certainly with you in spirit (of informed liberty and personal choices for adults regarding their own bodies and minds) - but the quite intentional opportunistic fallacious association (of Nicotine delivery systems with THC delivery systems) going on only represents a rhetorical “gateway opening” for spooking the public as to the possibilities of far more demonized, and for many disturbing, controlled-substances:
… which (if validly determined) appears to show minimal Nicotine concentration differences in their tested e-juice samples at ~11-28 weeks - between kept: Dark and Cold (DC); Dark and Room Temperature (DR); Light and Room Temperature (LR). It all comes down to whether folks believe a so-called “DOJ deep state”
(IMO, more like a “shallow state” composed of ham-fisted and arrogant bureaucratic “agencies of fear” ).
I’m not so sure about that ^^^^, which makes the fact that the real FACTS are coming to light, even that more unexpected, and valuable, IMO. I was convinced the “media” was just going to use it to continue the ROLLING over of the vaping / DIY juice industry.
If we can shed some light on that, it might just help.
I feel in the end, big P will be handed the nic, closed systems will be the in thing, and equipment like we have now… will be shunned… I hope all the big (abc) people will be happy rich and live long… mighty pr1cks… yeah I went there… it’s pissing me off too.
Always thought that bio-diesel showed promise. Those particular reports seem to boil down predominantly to known symptoms resulting from the inhalation of Mineral Oil fumes (not the alcohols PG, VG). Interestingly, Palm Oil (cheap source for Glycerin) is “relatively rich” in Tocopherols (that is, Vitamin E molecules), which decompose when heated. If Acetic Acid was possibly added at some point, chemical analysis might indicate the (reported) presence of Vitamin E Acetate (a salt formed with Tocopherols and Acetic Acid). Just sayin’.
Oh well, time to move onto some other fashionable scapegoat with which to slander the sin of “vaping”. Of prime importance will remain the skillful conflation of Nicotine with already demonized “psychotropics”.
Having worked with Acetic Acid for decades, I would have to say only a total idiot would think of putting that in something you’d inhale. But I guess that’s the point.