20-22 people linked to health related vaping problems:

Thanks for the link which also brought me to a youtube video @MisterSinner posted back in May. Once again the MSA is mentioned and just reinforces why all this misinformed media hype against flavored e cig vaping is happening.
Seems to me the changing of the guard there at Juul is a power play and setting up to sell their “tobacco only” product whilst annihilating all their flavored e cig competitors.


I was pretty shocked when I saw this article in the local newspaper. I never expected to see a positive article on vaping in the backwards state I live in. It’s a shame the opinion isn’t wide spread. Sorry for the image… I couldn’t just copy/paste the text :slight_smile:


Had something similar in the paper here. Of course it’s OPED not in “the news” section.


CDC (September 27, 2019):


The latest findings from the investigation into lung injuries associated with e-cigarette use, or vaping, suggest products containing THC play a role in the outbreak.

  • CDC has received data on substances used in e-cigarettes or vaping products in the 30 days prior to symptom onset among 514 patients.
    • About 77% reported using THC-containing products; 36% reported exclusive use of THC-containing products.
    • About 57% reported using nicotine-containing products; 16% reported exclusive use of nicotine-containing products.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html


16% ( ~1 in 6 cases ) is not insignificant. Of course, who knows how data has/is being distorted by CDC - and/or patients in states where Cannabis products remain criminalized may (in some cases) have (quite understandably) withheld admitting their (possible) use of Cannabis products (as to do so would be self-incriminating). There does not meaningfully exist a “physician/patient private confidence” (these days) surrounding drug use. We can all thank the hysterical and universally failed “War on Drugs” for that one.


Washington Post (September 27, 2019):

Most vaping-related lung injuries linked to marijuana products, CDC says

1 Like

I have a very hard time believing that USA Center for Disease Control doesn’t already know exactly what is the common ingredient/additive/compound, AND the exact physiological mechanism causing these acute cases of extreme pulmonary/respritory failure able to cause death in a relatively short period of time. Come on people! You should now have dozens of actual samples if not hundreds by now. You should have already reproduced the failure on a pig by now and reduced the true harmful component, definitively ruling out the components that are not playing a role in the illnesses. This really seems to indicate that the CDC has devolved into a non-scientific beuracratic puppet. If by chance any one of you happen across my message I challenge you to stand up, stick your pencil neck out of your comfortable beuracratic shell and expose the bullshit going on behind the curtain. Better yet, use your friggin scientific talent for once and couple that with your political bullshit skills (you surely must be well educated in) to get to the truth. The true cause, and the true cover-up and shout it out to the world as loud as you can. Expose all of the greedy stupid people that are killing people and the greedy egotistical assholes that enable further harm, deceit, and collusion all the while getting rich off of the blood of real people. Maybe (most likely) even their own Mother, brother, child and neighbor.



We need a whistle-blower here, any takers?


I fear that there’s “nobody here but us horn-tooters”. The CDC very likely does not read this internet forum.

Duty bound Uninformed Medical Officers duly power-chugging the Collective Therapeutic State Kool Aid:

We must trust the checks-and-balances of our chain-of-command to protect
and guide us. This strengthens our relationships with our co-workers, our
superiors, our agencies, and ultimately with the Commissioned Corps.

Source: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.coausphs.org/resource/resmgr/frontline/2018-03_coa_newsletter_v7_fi.pdf


As my posts have discussed/referenced, with regards to other deranged socio-political inquisitory rituals.

New (molecular) scapegoat, but the same old faces running an already well honed disinformation game. :thinking:


But how do you really feel?




Emergency Pulmonary Syndrome Invention Police Farce:
Special Operation Mango-Mint - Lock Up Your Daughters

The Numbnut Ninny Nicotine Inquisition

The Trials and Ritual Persecution of the Flavinoid Peoples

Dark Night of the Glycolic Base Purges

By Ethanol, Tobacco, Guns, and Glory we Proceed in Idiocy



Now Jim just take a deep breath and repeat the pledge:

I pledge allegiance, to nebulous safety and the illusory security for which it stands. One cowering nation, under the police state, with safety for the children and justice for none.

Big Brother may have to take you to room 101…:sweat_smile:


The CDC continues to insist that we have no idea what is causing this “mystery illness” and that “no single product” has been identified that explains all of the cases. This statement, which violates basic principles of epidemiological outbreak investigations, is the single communication that has confused policy makers and the public and hindered the ability of state health agencies to issue appropriate recommendations to the public to actually curtail this epidemic of life-threatening respiratory failure.

Contrary to what the CDC seems to be insisting, this outbreak is not going to be solved by identifying a single product common to every patient. Like all outbreak investigations, it is going to be solved by identifying a type of product that is common to an overwhelming majority of patients. And frankly, we already have that and it’s called marijuana. There is just far too high a proportion of case patients who have admitted to using THC or CBD oils for this to be merely a coincidence.

why aren’t the CDC and in turn, state health authorities issuing very clear warnings to the public to stop vaping marijuana, especially THC vape pens or vape carts that are purchased on the street? It’s because the CDC keeps repeatedly issuing the irresponsible mantra of this botched investigation: “No single product” has been linked to all cases.

for a youth to admit that they were using illicit marijuana vaping carts purchased off the street from drug dealers could have substantial consequences, not only legal ones but stigma-related ones as well as affecting their relationships with their parents.

… The CDC itself admits that about 80% of the outbreak patients admit to using THC oils. My count from media reports puts that figure closer to 90%. How high does that proportion have to go before the CDC issues a clear recommendation not to vape THC and stops undermining its own findings by emphasizing the failure to find a common product in every single case? Apparently, it’s 100% before they will take the appropriate actions and enable health authorities to put an end to the tremendous morbidity and mortality this outbreak is causing. …

… The CDC has been insisting that a small proportion of cases have occurred among patients who did not use THC. The truth is that they have no way of knowing that. Unless the patients have been tested for THC, it simply cannot be said that cases have occurred among patients who only used nicotine-containing e-liquids. This is why I believe it is so irresponsible that the CDC has repeatedly given the impression that it knows that a substantial proportion of cases do not involve THC. They actually have no way of verifying their contention that “no single product” ties together all the cases. It is entirely possible that a single product - marijuana and counterfeit vapes - does tie together all the cases.

… why the CDC is failing to recommend THC testing of every case patient. There is no legitimate public health justification for this failure. The only explanation is that the CDC does not actually want to tie all the cases together by detecting marijuana use in a large proportion of patients who reported using only nicotine-liquids because that would let legally sold, store-bought nicotine-containing e-cigarettes off the hook. The CDC’s actions tell me that they actually desire to be able to tie these cases to traditional e-cigarette use. They are apparently going to hold out as long as possible before admitting clearly that THC carts are playing a major role in this epidemic.

… The CDC’s irresponsibility is perhaps best demonstrated by the testimony of a CDC deputy director at this week’s Congressional hearing. She testified that one possible cause of the outbreak is something about the act of vaping itself. In other words, she testified that something about the process of vaping itself may be causing this outbreak, rather than the specific products that are being vaped.

Sorry - I hate to have to use this type of language but my conscience does not allow me to express it any other way:

This is complete bullshit.

People have been vaping for the past 12 years without any problems. Millions of smokers who quit smoking by switching to vaping have experienced dramatic improvement in their respiratory health, not rapid progression to respiratory failure. The act of vaping is not causing this outbreak. It is something in the e-liquid or that results from the heating of the e-liquid that is responsible.

Source: The very informative to follow, always prolific Epidemiologist Dr Michael Siegel (Sept. 27, 2019):

CDC’s Failure to Demand Urine THC Testing of All Outbreak Patients is Inexcusable and is Putting the Entire Nation at Risk

From: https://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/2019/


Yes Jim I believe that you are absolutely correct and well said. I think they’ve known for months and instead of taking action are playing these linguistic machinations to facilitate an orchestrated take-down of the entire industry while leaving cannabis and tobacco their cash cows.

Whistleblowing is a very, very dangerous thing and few ever proceed due to the destruction of themselves and their families. They lose their jobs and are occupationally blackballed. They lose their homes and are financially destroyed in many other ways. And they often lose their families and their very lives are taken. But occasionally some will step up and occasionally someone will “win” but only as a token case to perpetuate the illusion that the laws prohibiting this shit are working. They’re not.

Nevertheless I think you’re on to how this crap can be exposed by establishing a timeline of what they knew and when they knew it. Maybe some people will step up and clandestinely release that information; or a combined and concerted legal effort can compel it. Due to privacy “laws” I think that would need the cooperation and involvement of the families of the dead.


Washington State public employee whistleblower status at one point. Being the only way that demonstrated intelligence and perhaps virtue can potentially be considered a “class of employee protected from retaliation by employing public agency”, they deferred not a whit (at least publicly). Juggernaut machines fear as well as implicitly despise (any) insurgent activities. The whole system quickly becomes a joke when “push comes to shove”. Came down to a sardonic game of holding “protected class” card-ammo for (potential) litigation. Big time risk management slimebag bean-counter operators will ineluctably steamroll the antagonist (one way or another, sooner or later). Publicly exposed employer (and corrupt union as well). “Terminate with prejudice”.

The best one can do is plug a single hole in one location along a rhetorical dike for a brief period of time. As Socrates (roughly) said during Athens trial for “corrupting the youth”, “wickedness runs quicker than death”.


What luck for rulers, that men do not think. What good fortune for governments that the people do not think. The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. The efficacy of the truly national leader consists primarily in preventing the division of the attention of the people, and always in concentrating it on a single enemy. The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it.

-Adolf Hitler


The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history. Winston could not definitely remember a time when his country had not been at war. We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. But the thing that I saw in your face no power can disinherit: No bomb that ever burst shatters the crystal spirit.

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act. If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. I sometimes think that the price of liberty is not so much eternal vigilance as eternal dirt.

-George Orwell


Has this veen posted


All I can say is, I’m very pleased I don’t live in America.


I cant agree with this… CDC FEMA and others do cruise diy sites…

Yes I agree… but I wont delve too much into whistle blowing, except that a lot of folks are on “the payroll” and not many will step up for what is right… but there are some out there that do.


This is what we need! Exposure beyond talking among ourselves.



Soooo…I guess it does not really matter if the juice is Flavored…or not…
(sorry Big Tobacco :wink:)

While 77% admit what they were vaping, because of legalities, how many % were liars.:grinning: