I came across this while searching wire materials and their various properties, etc… Dr. Farsalinos wrote about this as well. Even though this is a bit more current, it’s still older but nevertheless, the science is the same. I don’t know about you but I dry burn my coils because it’s the easiest, quickest way. I try to gently pulse them and will most likely continue to do so even though this article makes a fair argument against it.
Have a read if you want more details on the subject. I’d love to hear your own thoughts.
ETA: I did learn something new to me…a dual coil is a bit safer that a single coil setup and DL less safe than MTL. Well, I’ll have to rethink THAT because most MTL setups are single coil (mine are anyway). It doesn’t make sense to me from my POV but the science does seem to add up. Tell me how you read this.
The beginning I believe/agree with. Notice the vagueness ‘a lot of power’ and ‘may lead’. Scientists are usually more specific. I stopped taking everything seriously after reading “Nichrome is an alloy of Cr (80%) and nickel (Ni, 20%)” which is completely backwards.
Edit: I do dry burn all my coils which are 90% SS at 15 watts or Titanium at 10 watts, but never dunk them in water.
I remember reading that years ago, and although I DO appreciate anyone bringing up possibly hazardous conditions, I was never truly sold on dry burning hazards.
The companion article however, brought up other concerns/issues …
What the author is is omitting is steel & alloys in the process of manufacturer is covered with chemicals. Anything from oils to cleansing agent’s.
I’ll burn mine.
I’ve been dry burning pretty much since I began vaping back in 2014, with no ill effect whatsoever. As far as mesh strips (SS316 and A1) I drop wattage down to 10-12 watts for the pulsed burn. That’s only because mesh ramps up lighting fast. Also, consideration should be given to Titanium (T1) type coils as that alloy will produce some sort of toxic by-product if burned at higher wattages.
I’m mainly usinge a Kylin M mesh rta with these strip type coils you have to bend to fit. They get so crusty that it only burns off but mechanical cleaning would probably destroy them.
I pulse those at about 15 watts. Then scrape. Let them cool down then flush them under the sink so the crusties don’t float into the bowl. I have retired my Kylin. I want to wick it like my WOTOFO and it then doesn’t work for me.
“Some studies show that vaping is not absolutely safe”
I rest my case! Nothing is completely safe. If I gotta avoid anything with the tiniest risk attached to it, I might as well crawl into a coffin right now.
I have seen this before and read them. It could be seen as someone paid to say this so you but prebuilt coils. Because i can guarantee when manufacturers produce these prebuilt mesh coils they dont go through a extensive cleaning process. Hence when you leave it for 5 min to soak it up the first few drags taste like shit. So just maybe they say these things to make you think its not really safe to use your own wire to build them and put money back into the prebuilt coils. Regardless i can say i have pulsed mesh at whatever watts (30-80) my vape is on. It doesnt matter with mesh. Your pulsing it not firing it for 3 seconds. Now do i need too? No. I do it to make sure there is no damage from cutting it before i wick it. I have forgot to pulse it in a rush and no harm. Honestly i really only need to burn the wired coils i made to make sure they heat up evenly. Any coil i make i clean the wire before i build it. Damp paper towel. And thats it. No one needs to be worried. We wont know any true effects of vaping for another 20-30 years and most of us might be dead so dont worry about it
Any time I have pulsed mesh a smoke comes off the coil. That tells me they have something foreign on them. Most likely a cleaning agent. I will continue to fire them till the smoking stops.
Any metal that is heated will smoke when heated. Surgical steel smokes. Its what metal does when it gets hot. Like i said i have never pulsed and been fine. The more metal is heated and cooled it loses its strength. If you feel and truly feel a sppol of vv mesh there is nothing on it. No foreign material. Round wire cant say the same the reason i clean it before i make it. Cause if you dont you will need to burn it off a lot longer as the foreign substance will still remaign in the tightly wound areas.
Yes if it cools and you do it again it will smoke. The metal will stop once its expanded. If you let it cool and do it again after a few minutes it will smoke again
If this would be a serious hazard, I would expect that we would have seen more research published underlying that.
So I have my concerns about the validity of the concerns.
Honestly if this was the case the prebuilt coils mass produced would have made people ill a long time ago. I inhaled more toxic shit welding. So im not to concerned at all. Nobody really should be. Its dum someone really went to this length on a theory