All things MTL

I know, right…

I started vaping as a smoking cessation method and I needed it to mimic the action of smoking. To me, DTL is not that action and as I was never a bonger I really dislike the sensation.

Is MTL as good flavour and/or satisfaction wise? There are differing thoughts and opinions but hey, this works for me and that’s all that matters. :smiley:


I knew you were both as we have had that conversation before, but I am aware that you do your testing on a DTL device and adjust my expectations accordingly. As you know there is a difference between the two methods of intake and that can affect the flavour quantity and balance in recipes.

It’s not that you have to double the overall percentage in a recipe per se, but there are allowances that need to be made for the hardware and also for your taste perception using a MTL device. I think it would probably be harder, and a little frustrating perhaps, if you were a dual modality user as one recipe would rarely work well in both DTL and MTL situations.

Even between different MTL tanks there is a difference in flavour from the same mix, indeed I find 2 almost identical builds in identical RTA’s can alter the taste of a recipe. It means with my set-ups I use specific mixes in specific tanks, even though they are the same RTA’s with similar builds.

The other thing is subtlety and preference. I am a long time custard lover, both in real food and vapes. My favourite was always CAP Vanilla Custard Version One at 10% as a solo flavour. I recently got hold of some INW Custard and have been testing that, it is really giving the CAP VCV1 a run for the title and I really like it. I first mixed it at 3% (database recommended) as a single flavour and really enjoyed it. The current mix is 3.5%, and even just that .5% difference changes the flavour enough that I will have to reduce it (add more VG/PG).

I know a lot of people tend to prefer stronger profiles, like tobacco and fruit, in their MTL devices as they just work. However, dessert and bakery recipes also work quite well if you experiment and work with both the device you’re using and your taste strengths and limitations. I like Custards, creams, cheesecakes, etc and have no problem with MTLing them at all.


I like the same profiles as you do and rarely vape fruity flavours. When I was strictly MTL I enjoyed nothing more than a good custard recipe in my Kayfun Lite 2019 or a doughnut recipe in my Kayfun Prime etc. Nowadays I am more of a RDTL vaper and those same recipes although still nice are not as good as they were in my MTL devices. I noticed more of the subtleties and different nuances in the MTL format that I don’t using RDTL and I actually think the flavour was better at times.
Reading this thread is making me want to revisit my old MTL setups so I think I will have to get some out tomorrow. Great thread.:+1:t3:


Almost the same here @CCS, which is why, after MTL’ing for years, and trying DTL, I was surprised I liked it.

Agreed @Ianc13, now it’s PROBABLY my lack of trying, or at least TWEAKING, but the amount of saturated flavor I get from my SteamCraves, somewhat dwarfs what I’ve been able to get from MTL. This is after I did enhance my MTL mixes FOR MTL.

Typically use ultra thin wired claps for MTL, have played around with coil heights in relation to airflow, etc., but have never been able to increase the MTL to rival my DTL.


@ian, and THAT is ALL that matters.


Again, same here, which made it ODD to me that after having MTL’d for a few years, that I DID end up liking DTL. I think I’m going to re-invest some time (LOL, like I have any free time at this point), and try to continue experimenting with coils, height/airflow, maybe different tanks, even different mixes, to see what can be had. There’s too many people hot on MTL for it NOT to work out.


VERY agreed …


Have you tried, or tested TPA’s Vanilla Custard II ?


I can see how that would be the case @Lucas_James_Holden. In the WAY BACK days, in the beginning, I had some flavors/recipes that really just plain WORKED in a MTL. Now I know many of our tastes change as we age, as we get more experienced, etc., but I tried a few of them in my DTL, and they were not so good, which was interesting.


Some good points have been made here since my last comment and has made me think again. When I was vaping MTL many of the the recipes had much higher percentages so really I should try some of the newer recipes and see what the differences are in flavour between MTL and my usual RDTL.
@SessionDrummer you mentioned finding the best coil positions, I always found that with bottom airflow MTL atomisers that the lower the coil was to the airflow hole the better the flavour but that’s just from my experience and many other peoples opinions may differ.


Roger that @Lucas_James_Holden.


Have you seen this? If you like RDTAs it’s worth a try. I never liked dealing with long cotton wicks on my RDTAs. This is a better alternative, imo.


Yep, it was ok but I find it a bit thin compared to CAP VCV1 and more pudding than custard to my taste. I like traditional eggy English style custards so the more buttery style tends to be more cream like to me.


Roger that. I don’t think you’re alone on that thought.


I am the same mate. When building my coils are nearly touching the bottom airflow.


I think a lot also depends on what type of draw you like. For myself, with the Berserker RTA’s I like to use the second smallest airflow holes, the Galaxies RTA’s I use the smallest. Anywhere between 0.8mm and 1.0mm is my ideal spot and though it can vary on the day I find anything over 1.2mm way too airy for my liking…

The other variable is wattage. For custards and creams I use a fairly low wattage that gives me around 3.2 to 3.5 volts through the coil, or temp control at around 380f to 400f. For cheesecakes and similar, I go a little higher - up to 4.0v through the coil, 420 to 450f in TC.

My last preference, on pretty much all my builds except the Kayfun, is SS316 wire (round or MTL Clapton) with a 3.0mm internal diameter. I know the ID is unusual for some as the norm seems to be 2.5mm, but it is just works better for me for some reason…


I find this thread interesting because I think most of us started with a restricted vaping style due to the gear that was available. I eventually moved into more airy vaping as time went on but became curious about MTL again a few years ago when I was convinced (coerced) by a friend. My first pull on a Kayfun was like, you gotta be kidding :rofl: But I became accustomed to it and noticed how certain flavors were highlighted more in the MTL. That lead to more experimentation with flavors, going back and forth from MTL and DL. Now it feels perfectly normal to switch back and forth. I rather like the different sensations and how the same recipe has a different flavor delivery. I don’t find one better than the other, I just find them different.


Thanks for that link @muth it makes sense now. I will have to try this in my RDTA’s for sure.

That is excellent. If you like both then you have the best of both worlds :smiley:


An example of a custard recipe I have adjusted to my taste…



Only 3% more total flavour but the addition of Vanilla Custard (SC) (WF) and Vanilla Custard (TPA) to help depth and some Marshmallow (CAP) to add sweetness and mouthfeel, and dropped the Cotton Candy. Also set at 80/20 instead of 70/30 VG/PG for hotter weather here.


Speaking of mesh as wicks, here’s the Shift RDA by Boost Lab with a mesh wick. You have to prepare the mesh properly to do this, though.
Shift BF Batch 2 RDA - одностоечная дрипка, как вам? Boost Lab на полном  ходу / Отзывы, обзоры, сравнение / VapeNews - электронные сигареты обзоры  новинок новости