Anybody Else Had Covid-19 Yet?

With all the scare stories people are going crazy. Regular flu also circulates, the cold and whatever else. These days, when someone mentions a cough or even a light temperature, all they think about is covid-19.
That’s why I don’t subscribe to all these pandemic threads, if you don’t hear or read anything else anymore, your mind starts wandering.


I wouldn’t know either, I had a bit of the flu the first week of Januari and I assume it was just that, a flu. Felt lousy one day and after that it was getting better.
First case reported here was Februari 26, so… no :game_die:

I’ve been having headaches since last month, had a bit of a higher temp one weekend and then it went back to normal.

Sometimes I have a sneeze OMG :scream:, and a little cough, not a dry one.
They say sneezing and a runny nose is not a symptom of Covid-19, only in 5% of the cases.
How do you know you’re one of the 5%?
We will have to wait for testing to start.

Total testing done is 75,415 on a population of well over 17 million people.
They don’t want to see you and preferably not talk to you either when your symptoms are mild.
They are way too busy.

Your more likely to scare yourself to death than pick up anything useful from all this so called news.
It is not healthy.