Anyone else work in a prison? Can u bring your vape threw the gates?

So I work in a prison here in FL, and I can not bring a vaping device into the facilty, they are banned and I can kinda see why. It does suck as I work 10-12 hours and only get to go vape on lunch. Wondering if anyone works in a prison that allows them?

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I have a super mini 10w istick that’s rechargeable via usb only. really goood for those kind of situations. Really small. sneak into crazy place. … don’t see why it would be a problem there.


Jez guys, I am not looking to smuggle one in. I take my profession very seriously, just wondering if other prisons allow them. We used to back when vapes first come on the scene but just as all the smokers started using em they got banned. I’ve thought it may just be a decision of our local leaders and if so maybe a well written request for a change is worth it. Like just allow all in one devices, like the AIO, inventory it upon entering and exiting.


sounds legit…but doubt it. Florida? No cigs either… so I highly doubt a vape would make it.

that didn’t come out right. I snuck it into the loony bin… the “crazy place” LOLOL woops.

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If they allow cigs maybe you can petition your union. But I doubt they would ever alllow anything other than a closed system like a jewel or icare type device.

I guess they see it from a “if it gets in the wrong hands” point of view it could be weaponised or used in drug taking etc

There are a lot of prisons that sell cig-a-likes in commissary. If prisoner can have them you should too. I’d do some research on facilities that sell them and use that data to the local leaders.

Nope, in Texas it’s considered dangerous contraband. When I was a CO, it was a terminable offense even if it was an accident. We had to get searched on our way in and occasionally out, metal detector and Pat down.