Apple mixes are killin me

I recently just tested inwera cactus. I’m finding that it adds a bit of that green type taste that could possiblly take a apple mix a positive direction. Sadly, I don’t have any Apple to test on (it’s on my wish list with countless other flavors).
I tried only in my orange mix and I oddly has a bit of Apple citrus type flavor…can’t really place it…but on all my fruit mixes steeping in 30ml bottles when I get to the end I plan on putting acouple drops in for shits and giggles.

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INW Cactus can take over any recipe very quickly. I may recommend (on good authority) adding .125% of it to start to 1-1.5% FA Fuji for a different dynamic.

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As others have said, FA Fuji Apple is really good. Other recommendations would be CAP Double Apple and INW Two Apples


What % do you like the double apple? It seems potent to me and I’ve seen some recipes w such a high % that I’m confused w that one! I stopped using it felt like anymore than a couple drops and I’d end up with an apple takeover, ill have to try again but I like the Fuji and double combo for a good apple flavor. Its just in the end Been just that, an apple flavor.

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just 4 % double apple cap +1%fuji apple to tart it!

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Didn’t want to create yet another apple thread, so I figured I would throw this in here.

I am simply trying to make a good green apple mix that has a myriad of apples in it, aimed at a more green apple taste.

Why does this recipe taste like almost nothing? I have made three different iterations of it already, and still have yet to find a satisfactory taste. Does it not have enough flavor? Is it muting?

I am stuck on where to go, if anyone had some tips, please, let me know.

Why don’t you have Fuji in there? It is the most tart green apple flavor I have used?

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I think I had it in there at one point, but removed it, as it was a more organic apple taste. I will have to throw it in there on my next try. Assuming that the other flavor’s %'s are correct, what should I throw Fuji in at?

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It is strong. Let’s take the Glass Apple recipe

The Fuji is only 3% of an 18.5% flavor mix but it is prominent and at the forefront of the mix. Tart Apple with a cool finish. The peach and strawberry, even at such high percentages, are not even present in the mix. The Fuji stands strong.

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Yeah I’d say 1.5%-2% tops in a mix. Fuji is hands down the best apple tho, just a brute of an apple if mixed too high. So keep it low if u want other flavors to still play their part👍🏻

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So lets say this is going into an apple mix that is green centered, what would you put MF Green apple at and CAP Double at? Would you even include INW Two Apples? It seems to be more of a creamy, Gala apple.

I like FA Fuji mixed with CAP Double Apple. I have a few Apple Pie Recipes working right now. Here is one that is starting to go off the rails a bit, but still good. Off the shake more apple turnover. Going to let it steep for a week and see what happens

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That there is one private recipe, might wanna edit that.

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:man_facepalming:t2: Yeah, That would help.

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Hmmm. Two recipes…

Try removing two apples inw all together and add 0.25 fresh cream fa and drop cap down to 3%

Second…remove two apples inw. Add the same fresh cream and Fuji 0.75% and drop cap down to 3%


Yeah this is the direction I’d go. Maybe even bring cap down to 2% and Fuji up to 1%.


I recently did a single flavor test of Apple (SC) (Real Flavors) at 2.5% and loved it. And, I’ve benn using Golden Apple (MF) as a booster in other recipes. Maybe 2% RF and .25-.5% MF would be a good mix? ECX has both of those at decent prices. I’ll give it a go soon and check back in a couple of weeks with the results.


Which recipes are these tips in reference to?

So it would seem the verdict in any apple recipe is to add Fuji and take it easy with CAP double apple. And get rid of INW Two Apples? Any reason?

Apple must be a more delicate flavor than I believe, does it mute easily?

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For a fresh apple you can’t really go wrong with some fuji.

For me its just too deep of an apple to use for a fresh taste. I try to keep it for baked apples or juices/ciders.


Tips. Hmmmm. Lately I have been finding two apples inw pulling tart apples to a red cooked apple…like the meaty part. Since you mention that it’s getting muted I blame inw.

You may also need to steep this for a month due to mf. I don’t have Apple mf but from experience you need to give it time.