Ares 2 MTL

I just purchased one of these and just waiting for it to arrive. Anyone else out there have one. This will be my first rebuildable so another learning curve to go through. Wondering what the best wire and cotton to buy. Eg wire size and cotton brands. Been watching lots of you tube vids and some good info on how to build the coils and rewick but not much on the size of wire and the type or brand of cotton. If someone can provide a link that I could use would be appreciated.


What kind of Vape setup have you been using currently?


I was just looking at buying one of these as I have been assured all the original Ares issues have been solved. I like a fairly tight MTL draw and apparently the V2 will now actually do this.

I would suggest either 26 or 28 Ga round wire, I only use SS316L but I do a lot of temp control, I sometimes use 28Ga Kanthal in wattage mode but not a big fan of it. If you can get it, VandeVape do a MTL Clapton wire that I also use quite often in my MTL RTA’s so that is an option too.

For actual coil size and wraps, that will depend on what wattage you like, what style of vaping (airy/tight/in between) and what material the wire is.

Cotton, I use either Kendo Gold, Cotton Bacon V2 or Cloud 9.

*Edit to add cotton.


I am a big Innokin fan. Right now i am using both platform series one with Black Cherry Bomb on my Zlide with a .48ohm coil with regular nic and Smokey Blues Winston tobacco on my Zenith with a 1.60ohm coil because I am using nic salts with that recipe. Quite a wide gap in the ohms but im hoping I can find something that works.


The .48 I have at 14 watts and the 1.6 is at 12watts. Vape them both during the day . I find when I think about having a cigarette I take a hit of the regular nic and get a throat hit that sort of stops the graving. The winston tobacco vape on the other hand is as smooth as silk with the nic salt, I vape that all day.


I guess my research was in the right direction. The cotton you mentioned was what I was looking at except I dont recall the Cloud 9. I thought 26g was a good starting point. Also the SS316L I learned is actually mig wire for welding and some say it is also a surgical wire so readily available. Thanks for that.


@Ianc13 has you @zzzdreamerzzz :wink:

There isn’t much I could add to the convo. He offered you info, almost exactly, what I would have said.

Have fun with your new atty!


Thank you @Kinnikinnick, I have been doing MTL RTA’s for a while so figured what I normally do should work. Bit the bullet and bought one of these yesterday and should have it by the end of the week so will know for sure then. :smiley:


Thanks everyone for your input. Learning every time I ask a question. One other thing I saw in a youtube video I think or read it some place there is a calculator for different types of wire to calculate the resistance in wraps on the coils. Anyone know the link. Ianc13 let me know what you think of the atty and maybe some pointers on your builds. Thanx again.


Same here. Once I moved from using synthetic flavors to NET, I discovered in fast form, I had to change much about the way I had been vaping; NET required it. I went from dual coil attys to single coil, from wrapping low ohm coils to higher ohm coils, from higher wattages to lower wattages, from large airy attys to a smaller more restricted airflow atty, etc.

My vape world basically got turned upside down. All that happened 5 years ago and I have no intentions of turning away from my NET liquids. :wink:

Here ya go:

But, a simple, spaced, round wire coil is really all you need. It’s been a while since I played with 26 ga wire… however, I use a 28 ga wire, spaced, 9 wrap, 2.5 ID coil in most of my attys. This comes out close to a 1ohm coil, vaped at 13 to 15 watts.

Don’t get too hung up on the calculator. Just play around twisting a coil that works for you and your atty. :wink:


Thats just it Ive never twisted a coil/ I am still trying to figure out MTL RBA DL yada yada. I have some ideas about rebuildables. One reason I got the aries it sounds like an easy tank to build on .Im all about flavor to. But why else would you vape anyhow beside wanting to quit smoking. Flavour. .


The Ares is really easy to build on mate, have an OG one that sits in it’s box as it’s too airy but easy to build on.

The Ares 2 comes with a couple of prebuilt Kanthal coils, cotton, some Kanthal wire and a couple of coiling tools. You can pretty much getting going with it right off the bat.

Need any help, feel free to ask and I will walk you through it once mine comes.


@Kinnikinnick, started MTL and stayed that way. Tried DTL and cloud chucking but definitely not a fan. Never got into NETs, much prefer my desserts and bakeries. Whatever keeps us off the smokes hey… :smiley:


We’ll help you where we can with what to purchase where and how to go about things. :wink:

Such as this nice tight little tool set, for not alot of money.


I use a Coil Master kit as I really like the coiling tool they have and the kit has all the tools you will need.


Well worth the money there! You basically get everything you need all in one package :+1:


Only thing in the kit I don’t use is the tester, I just use a mod for that.

Just a note though, the tester does require a 18650 battery to use it and is not supplied with the kit, so make sure you have a spare if you want to use it.


My old Geek Vape 521TAB meter is still kicking. It’s great for a build base.

Those Amazon purchased tool kits were great stocking stuffers for two of my kids who vape. Self preservation: I got tired of building their coils for them :rofl:


Got my Ares 2. Put a 1.0 ohm SS316L Clapton wire in it and running in TC mode. Very good airflow control and reasonable flavour. Probably need to play with it a bit to see what it is capable of, but happy with it so far.


Same here my first vape was an Ijust 2 a DTL. Great flavor but the thing leaked like a wicker basket. Bought a MTL for the misses and she couldnt do it so I tried it and never picked up the DTL again.