If this is posted in the wrong forum, please move or advise, thanks.
I’m still smoking, but am determined to return to vaping. It’s been a couple of years, wow.
I’ve got plenty of Nic stored in the refrigerator (I’m pretty sure it would still be good?) I have done some research on ELR and think it’s possible to determine which of my flavors (NOT stored in the fridge, but cool dark room) are still good.
I’ve bought a bottle of commercial juice to get started vaping again, and give me time to make some recipes.
I’m hoping to get some guidance along the way. I never was a good recipe mixer, but made some tolerable recipes that kept me going.
If you don’t mind, my first question is; what about my PG and VG stored in a cool dark room, any way to tell if it’s still good or not? I haven’t even pulled my supplies out yet, but will be doing that later today.
Thanks to you all!
Welcome Back and we will do all we can to help save your life 
Welcome back! Your vg and pg will be fine
I would suggest you just mix a 10ml to test if the nic got peppery, suspect it will be fine as well.
Thanks Letitia, good idea. If you taste it straight, without mixing, can you tell if it’s peppery or bad?
I would not try any nic straight, not even my salts. Just mix it at your preferred strenth; I would do unflavored for the test.
Don’t use straight nicotine, you can smell it eventually and you will immediately notice an acrid and unpleasant odor if it is no longer good; you can also examine it visually because it must be perfectly transparent, but if the color is yellowish/pink/violet then it is definitely oxidized. If the color is clear and no bad odor is perceptible then it should be ok.
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Welcome back @Gyreneosaurus. I loved your TV series BTW.

NEVER too late to come back.
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Glad to be back, thanks. Don’t know why I picked that for a Username. I’ve been trying to change it all day, with no luck.
I know the NIC. Now you said refridgerator, not freezer right ?
NIC will always last far longer in the freezer, in air tight containers. As far as your existing NIC, as others have said, the SMELL can be the first sign of oxidized NIC, and along with a peppery taste, harshness, etc. The color can also provide a QUICK toss or keep determination. Can you smell it, and/or post a pic of it for us ?
These two might require a little “testing” to see. Obviously if they smell bad, have an off taste, chuck them. Too cheap to take a chance if you are unsure. PG and VG are both VERY sensitive to atmosphere, and water in particular. As long as the bottles were sealed tight, and in a dark(er), cool(er) environment, they may be fine.
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Hmmm, I know a LOT of answers, but not that one. Hehe, I’ve NEVER changed mine. Perhaps a shout out to @fidalgo_vapes, @Ken_O_Where, or @Rocky02852 can assist with that.
Hey thanks Drummer. That’s some good info. I haven’t gotten everything out yet to check it all out. Yeah, in the “fridge”, not freezer. Actually I read somewhere - way back when not to use the freezer. Another thing, I broke the bottle down into smaller bottles, so I might have enough air in them to cause problems. I’ll use your advice when I get rolling. Thanks again. PS: What has 2 legs and likes to hang out with musicians? A bass player - ba dop crash!
About the ONLY time you would NOT use a freezer would be if it is a auto defrosting type.
Breaking NIC down IS the way to go. I won’t go into all of the detail here, but will link you to the NIC storage thread. Heat, atmosphere (air), and light are the killers of clean NIC. All three will oxidize your NIC. Stopping any or all of them, extends your clean NIC lifetime.
Yes, I think that’s why my nic source said use fridge vs freezer - I have the old freezer on top, auto defrost. Fingers crossed.
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Hey, thanks again, I’ll check that out soon.
What user name would you like @Gyreneosaurus ?
Was it marijuana? I do a lot of things i dont remember doing or the whys involved. I betcha Perry Mason could find out… 
On a serious note, nice job with your stash. So very much appreciate it when i dont have to fix anything.