Band-aid flavor to juice...?

Okay, so this may sound a little crazy, but I was wondering if anyone had made a juice that kind of tastes like plastic band-aids? Its happened a couple of times now, and I’m trying to decide if it is that its just a bad flavor, an expired flavor, a bad blend, or a bad percentage.

I tried to do a ‘chocolate covered strawberry’ flavor (1.5% TPA chocolate, 1.5% TPA double chocolate dark, and 7% TPA Strawberry (ripe) if that helps) and it has been steeping for a week. It’s not super bad on this one, but it still has kind of an undertone of plastic band-aid. I hate to toss a 10ml bottle of juice, but I don’t know if I can salvage it. Any suggestions or ideas? TIA!


Yikes, i may like the smell of band-aids but the flavor? NOPE! Cant say that i have had that happen. Was it a new bottle? I always soak my bottles in a solution of baking soda and distilled water, just in case.

Nothing in this mix should produce that smell, ive made very similar mixes without any problems. You could try mixing a small bottle of each flavoring and see if one of them is bad.

Wish you the best of luck in finding the issue!


@JoJo; Funny you should mention the band aid thing. I mixed up a “Mounds Chocolate” recipe once using TPA double chocolate dark. Granted, my percentage of DCD was at at 8%, but I remember that band aid smell when I test vaped it. I just figured I had used way too much flavoring and pitched the juice down the drain. I haven’t done much chocolate since then. You think it’s perhaps the flavoring?

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That is interesting. Maybe i havent smelled it because i mostly use it with mints and menthol’s .

I think so. I seem to remember this happening with other chocolate flavored juices I’ve tried to make. Unfortunately, I tossed the recipes and notes on all the juice recipes I’d marked as really bad. LoL I’m going to do what @Ken_O_Where said and try each flavor. I know it isn’t the strawberry. It’s one of the TPA chocolates. I noticed the double chocolate dark has a warning on ELR for sulfites…wonder if that’s what is causing the weird flavor?

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I agree definitely not the TFA SB Ripe, i use it in many many recipes. I was just looking at the Chocolate Covered Strawberry recipe i made and i didnt use dark chco TFA i used Double Chocolate (CAP). My mistake.

Interesting … When I smell that chocolate it does have an off smell maybe that is what I’m smelling. I also don’t mess too much with chocolate I either add peanut butter to them or have it at such a small % hmm sux thou for. 10 ml batch dang. maybe you could dilute it with some unflavored Nic like 1-2 mls of a base ( U know Nic and pg/VG ) I do this sometimes when I have a batch that I’m trying to save and the flavor is too bold ( or gross )

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Yeah, I will try to do something with it at some point. Pretty sure I dumped the last bit I made for this reason. And that DCD may wind up in the drain along with it. Such is the life in DIY I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep at a certain point I kinda figure im wasting my money dumping more into it than it’s worth and thus it goes down the drain shoulder shrug :smirk: and I move on to the next idea. They make 3 ml bottles girl get you a ton of em and never waste that much Nic again lol hope you know I’m teasing. Such is life tho DIY life

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Haha yeah. I actually have some 3ml bottles but they’re more trouble than they’re worth. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m gonna try and dilute it a bit and maybe add more strawberry or some menthol like (I think) Ken suggested in another post. Wish me luck. LoL

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Ive never had band aid tasting joose before. I did however make a joose that tasted like sweet spaghetti though. Weird stuff.

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Ugh, band-aid flavoring? Maybe you could sell it on Ebay. I bet somebody will buy it. They sell anything and everything there. Just offer it as “ONLY 1 LEFT. FREE SHIPPING!”

On a very less similar note, anybody have a good tip on de-sweetening a juice without affecting the base flavoring too much?


Have you tried adding a few more drops of VG to it. Sometimes I get a little crazy w/ the sweetener and I come back later and it’s overwhelming so I just use a few drops of VG to the batch like less than 10 in a 10ml batch. It’s worked for me VG can mute flavors tho so be careful if you chose to do it.


Thanks Amy. I’m new to all this and still learning. I’ll add this to my notebook. I originally made a 20ml bottle of this and thought if I made an additional 5ml bottle with everything but the sweetener, then added it to the 20ml, would that lessen the sweetness without affecting the other flavors? Makes sense to me, but then again check my screen name…

Yes that would work. If it not too sweet just try an additional 2 mls of a batch w/o sweetner in case there is a strong note that gets potentiated by adding more of that same concentrate. It will make your % a lil higher and if you do end up liking it in the end will be harder to replicate but at least you may end of getting to save your batch. I usually do the few drops of VG and let it sit open for a few hour and go back and taste it before I do anything more drastic. But maybe someone else has a better concept that work for sure. Good luck !


It may very well be the double chocolate. I added some to a strawberry white chocolate mix I was working on and it went from ok before to something like you are describing. Made a strawberry custard for my daughter and she blended a little of the chocolate mix in with some of the strawberry custard. She said it was not bad . Maybe you could salvage it by blending it a little at a time with something else.

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I’m working with TPA coco essence in conjunction with double dark chocolate in low percentages and having some success. I’m really wanting some FA Cocoa, but I can never find it in stock at my usual vendor! Grrrr!

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Are you ordering from Bull City? Ive been getting some stuff from them and damn they ship fast! I like their nicotine too, almost flavorless.

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Yes, between them and ecigexpress is where I do most of my buying. And yes, vaperstek nicotine is superb! In fact, I’m working in Durham tomorrow and plan to drop by their warehouse for some light shopping. Should be interesting. They staff there is great and fairly quick to respond to an email…and they ship quick!

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I ordered 6 bottles of flavor from them last Thursday night past midnight, I recieved it in Monday mail. Cant beat that. I got some nic from Nude Nic that I havent tried yet. They are kinda slow shipping. If its not way better I will stick with Bull City.

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